Library of results from data mining processing | #transactional | Component: Data Collection
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
APPLCLASS Application class for DD objects (not used)
SUBCLASS Subgroup by application class
TABNAME Table Name
REPID Report
METHOD Data mining method
RESULTNO No. of data mining process
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
SAVEDATE Results saved on date
SAVETIME Saved at time
TIME_OUT Maximum runtime in data mining process
DATDATE Date of defined COIX data
DATTIME Time of defined data in COIX
Column Name Description
CODE Function name Show values
BOPE Condition parameter Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
UNAME User name CHAR12
METH_TEXT Description of data mining method DM_METHTXT
MAX_AUFSP Maximum Number of Drilldowns NUMC3
DIST_OBJ Max. interval between adjacent objects in data mining NUMC3
DIST_DIM Max. Dispersion to Next Drilldown Dimension NUMC3
OUTPUT Minimum homogeneousness DEC2_4
BREAKDOWN Maximum homogeneousness DEC2_4
VAR_VERF Method of calculating variance CHAR1
BWRT Condition value NUMC6
FILT_END Summarize results? CHAR1
FILT_EXPL Explicit filtering CHAR1
FILT_PROC Avoid redundancies in data mining CHAR1
VAL_WEIGHT Values excluded for absolute basis CHAR100
VAL_CONTRO Values excluded for search ratio CHAR100
WEI_WEIGHT Weighting of absolute basis NUMC2
WEI_CONTRO Weighting of search ratio NUMC2
DUMMYPARA Dummy data element CHAR10
STATUS01 Status 1 of analysis results CHAR1
STATUS02 Status 2 of analysis results CHAR1
POINTER01 Pointer to display table with objects NUMC6
POINTER02 Pointer to display table with key figures NUMC6