Document type for clearing of payments in invoicing - ?
- Document type for clearing of payments in invoicing
| TE507.MANDT == TFK003.MANDT TE507.[column in domain "APPLK_KK"] == TFK003.APPLK TE507.BLART_BBPCL == TFK003.BLART
Document type: reversal document from IS-U invoicing - ?
- Document type: reversal document from IS-U invoicing
| TE507.MANDT == TFK003.MANDT TE507.[column in domain "APPLK_KK"] == TFK003.APPLK TE507.BLART_CANC == TFK003.BLART
Alternative Document Type: Reversal Doc. from IS-U Invoicing - ?
- Alternative Document Type: Reversal Doc. from IS-U Invoicing
| TE507.MANDT == TFK003.MANDT TE507.[column in domain "APPLK_KK"] == TFK003.APPLK TE507.BLART_CANC2 == TFK003.BLART
Doc. type: clearing doc. for IS-U invoicing (acct maint.) - ?
- Doc. type: clearing doc. for IS-U invoicing (acct maint.)
| TE507.MANDT == TFK003.MANDT TE507.[column in domain "APPLK_KK"] == TFK003.APPLK TE507.BLART_CLEAR == TFK003.BLART
Document type: IS-U partial bill document - ?
- Document type: IS-U partial bill document
| TE507.MANDT == TFK003.MANDT TE507.[column in domain "APPLK_KK"] == TFK003.APPLK TE507.BLART_DEB == TFK003.BLART
Document type: Interest document for IS-U invoicing - ?
- Document type: Interest document for IS-U invoicing
| TE507.MANDT == TFK003.MANDT TE507.[column in domain "APPLK_KK"] == TFK003.APPLK TE507.BLART_INTEREST == TFK003.BLART
Doc. type: Cash sec. dep. interest doc. for IS-U invoicing - ?
- Doc. type: Cash sec. dep. interest doc. for IS-U invoicing
| TE507.MANDT == TFK003.MANDT TE507.[column in domain "APPLK_KK"] == TFK003.APPLK TE507.BLART_INTEREST_C == TFK003.BLART
Document type: IS-U print document - ?
- Document type: IS-U print document
| TE507.MANDT == TFK003.MANDT TE507.[column in domain "APPLK_KK"] == TFK003.APPLK TE507.BLART_INV == TFK003.BLART
Document type: SD invoice for IS-U invoicing - ?
- Document type: SD invoice for IS-U invoicing
| TE507.MANDT == TFK003.MANDT TE507.[column in domain "APPLK_KK"] == TFK003.APPLK TE507.BLART_SD == TFK003.BLART
Document Type: Debit Entry of Statistical Item: IS-U-IN - ?
- Document Type: Debit Entry of Statistical Item: IS-U-IN
| TE507.MANDT == TFK003.MANDT TE507.[column in domain "APPLK_KK"] == TFK003.APPLK TE507.BLART_STAT == TFK003.BLART
Client | TE507.MANDT == T000.MANDT |