
FI-SL tables | #other | Component: Basic Functions
Column Name Description
TAB Table Name
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
TTYPE Table type Show values
TRCUR Store transaction currency Show values
LCCUR Store second currency Show values
RCCUR Store third currency Show values
OCCUR Manage Fourth Currency Show values
QUANT Store Quantities Show values
ATQNT Store additional quantities Show values
COMPTAB Indicator for global table Show values
PROGROUP Program group (A: fixed tables, 1,2,3: user-defined tables) Show values
INACTIVE Indicator defining whether table is inactive Show values
OBJCHECK Is the object table to be validated? Show values
USE_OF_VIEW Use of views Show values
GLFLEX Indicator: Used for New General Ledger Show values
WRITE_SI_FOR_BCF Indicator: Balance Carryforward Writes Line Items Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
FLDGR Max. number of period data fields in FI-SL record POPER
NTABLE Correspondence table AS4TAB
PSITABLE Plan line item table with blocked periods AS4TAB
OBJTABLE Object table for FI-SL tables AS4TAB
ENQOBJECT Name of lock object ENQOBJECT
OBJTABLE2 Object table for fields without sender-receiver relationship AS4TAB
OBJTABLE3 Third object table AS4TAB
OBJTABLE4 Fourth object table AS4TAB
APPL Owner application GLXAPPL
SAPRL SAP Release for which the table was installed SYCHAR04
RNTABLE Rollup actual line item table with single periods AS4TAB
RPSITABLE Rollup plan line item table with blocked periods AS4TAB
GFISTABLE SFIS communication structure AS4TAB
SCREEN Screen number for summary record display DYNNR
DIM_ORGUNIT FI-SL: Field name for organizational unit FDNAME
DIM_ACCOUNT FI-SL: Field name for the account FDNAME
Other Relations Join Conditions
FI-GL/SL: Commit Level for Totals Record Update T800A.COMMIT_LEVEL == FAGL_COMMIT_LEVL.COMMIT_LEVEL