List of monitoring reports with assigned background jobs | #other | Component: Runtime Workbench/Monitoring
Column Name Description
REPORT_NAME ABAP report name
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
REPORT_TYPE Report type regarding functionality: archive, reorg, etc. Show values
IS_CLIENT_DEPEND Boolean Variable (X = True, - = False, Space = Unknown) Show values
IS_OPTIONAL Boolean Variable (X = True, - = False, Space = Unknown) Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
PRDMONTHSREC Duration period (in months) for a batch job NUM02
PRDWEEKSREC Duration period (in weeks) for a batch job NUM02
PRDDAYSREC Duration (in days) of DBA action NUM03
PRDHOURSREC Duration period (in hours) for a batch job NUM02
PRDMINSREC Duration period (in minutes) for a batch job NUM02
MAINT_TX ABAP report name