Certificates table with certificate status | #transactional | Component: Secure Store and Forward
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
ISSUERHASH SHA-1 Issuer Name Hash
SERIALHASH SHA-1 Serial number Checksum
STAGING Staging Value Show values
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
STAGING Staging Value Show values
STATUS Revocation Status of the Certificate Show values
STATUS_SOURCE Source Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
ISSUER Certificate Issuer Name
SUBJECT Certificate Subject Name
SERIAL Serial Number of Certificate (Dec)
STATUS_ISSUER_SH Hash of Issuer Name for Certificate Status
STATUS_VALIDFROM Date from which the status is valid TZNTSTMPS
STATUS_VALIDTO Date until which the status is valid TZNTSTMPS
STATUS_SET_BY User Name (With Change Document) SYCHAR12
STATUS_SET_AT Date on which the status was set TZNTSTMPS
CERT_VALIDTO Date until which the certificate is valid TZNTSTMPS