SPEC2000: MetaData Information on IP Files | #other | Component: Specification 2000
Column Name Description
FILE Type of File
RTC Record Type Code Show values
TEI Text Element Identifier
SEQ Sequence Number
INIT Start position of TEI
TABL SPEC 2000: IP Table
COLNAME SPEC 2000: IP Table Column Name
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
RTC Record Type Code Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
LEN Length of TEI INT1
CATEGORY Specifies, whether SPEC 2000 field is mandatory or optional CHAR1
BLANK Specifies, whether the field can be blank CHAR1
OCCURANCE Specifies, whether SPEC 2000 field can occur multiple times CHAR1
RELATION Indicates which fields in the given message are related CHAR1
REL_FLAG Indicates dependency of the related SPEC 2000 fields CHAR1
LINE_FLAG Specifies, whether S2K-field can appear only once per line CHAR1
TEI_FLAG Specifies, whether TEI is required before this S2K-field CHAR1
SLASH_FLAG Specifies, whether '/' is required after this S2K-field CHAR1
SBRTN Function module which should be called to do technical check CHAR30