
S291BIW1 * BW: Messages Header | #header | Component: Information System
Column Name Description
SSOUR Statistic(s) origin
VRSIO Version number in the information structure
SPMON Period to analyze - month
SPTAG Period to analyze - current date
SPWOC Period to analyze - week
SPBUP Period to analyze - posting period
QMNUM FK Notification Number
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
📏 Base Unit of Measure (BASME):
MGEIG Defective Quantity (Internal)
MGFRD Defective Quantity (External)
RKMNG Complaint Quantity
RGMNG Return Delivery Quantity
Column Name Description
SPTAG Period to analyze - current date
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
PERIV Fiscal Year Variant PERIV
VWDAT Pointer to administrative data VWDAT
ZHLMELD No. of Notifications INT4
ZHLMOFN No. of Notifications with Status Outstanding INT4
ZHLERL_TE Number of Notifications Completed on Schedule INT4
SUMDLZT Total Lead Time of Notifications QSTATWERT
ZHLMASS No. of Tasks INT4
ZHLMAOF Number of Tasks with Status 'Outstanding' or 'Released' INT4
ZHLMERF No. of Tasks with Status Successful INT4
Master Data Relations Join Conditions
Base Unit of Measure
  • S291BIW1.MANDT == T006.MANDT
  • S291BIW1.BASME == T006.MSEHI
Lead Time Unit (Day)
  • S291BIW1.MANDT == T006.MANDT
  • S291BIW1.EHTAG == T006.MSEHI
Client S291BIW1.MANDT == T000.MANDT