
APO: Long-Term Planning | #masterdata | Component: Production Data Structure
Column Name Description
SPMON Period to analyze - month
PLNNR Key for Task List Group
PLNAL Group Counter
SVOBJ Service object
VRSIO Version number in the information structure
SPTAG Period to analyze - current date
SPWOC Period to analyze - week
SPBUP Period to analyze - posting period
SSOUR Statistic(s) origin
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
SPTAG Period to analyze - current date
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
PERIV Fiscal Year Variant PERIV
VWDAT Pointer to administrative data VWDAT
IAPLANM PMIS: number of planned maintenance orders MCZAEHLER
Master Data Relations Join Conditions
Client S180.MANDT == T000.MANDT