
Condition Update | #other | Component: Billing
Column Name Description
SSOUR Statistic(s) origin
VRSIO Version number in the information structure
KNUMH Number of the Condition Record
KOPOS Sequential number of the condition
SPMON Period to analyze - month
SPTAG Period to analyze - current date
SPWOC Period to analyze - week
SPBUP Period to analyze - posting period
Column Name Description
💲 Statistics Currency (STWAE):
KWERT Accumulated condition value in local currency
KAWRT Cumulated condition base value
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
SPTAG Period to analyze - current date
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
VWDAT Pointer to administrative data VWDAT
AUNR1 Sales Document VBELN
ANZKONV1 Number of a condition in the document MCZAEHLER
AUNR2 Sales Document VBELN
ANZKONV2 Number of a condition in the document MCZAEHLER
AUNR3 Sales Document VBELN
ANZKONV3 Number of a condition in the document MCZAEHLER
Master Data Relations Join Conditions
Client S071.MANDT == T000.MANDT
Fiscal Year Variant
  • Fiscal Year Variant
  • Client
  • S071.PERIV == T009.PERIV
  • S071.MANDT == T009.MANDT