RFC statistics administration | #masterdata | Component: RFC
Column Name Description
EYEON Structure delimiter
SENDERFLAG RFC sender flag: If set -> Client, else server
RFCDATE Date field
RFCTIME Validity Period
CONVERID RFC conversation ID
CALLS Number of RFC calls
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
RFCDATE Date field
RFCTIME Validity Period
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
CALLTIME Execution time of RFC call RFCCALLT
SEND Number of bytes sent RFCSEND
RECEIVE Number of received bytes RFCRECV
EXECTIME Effective Execution Time of RFC Routines RFCETIME
REXETIME Execution Time of RFC Routines on Partner Side RFCRETIME
DEST Logical destination (specified in function call) RFCDEST
IP Physical address (Internet address) RFCIP
REMOTEDEST Logical destination (specified in function call) RFCDEST
REMOTEIP Physical address (Internet address) RFCIP
RFCUSER Remote Function Call: User name CHAR13
CALLER Remote Function Call: User name CHAR13
TARGET Remote Function Call destination (e.g. 'NONE') RFCTARGET
PROGNAME Name of Called Program RFCREPID
FUNCNAME Name of called function RFCFUNC
TID Unique Transaction ID (LUW -> COMMIT WORK) CHAR24
FILLER2 Component of the Version Number CHAR2
EYEOFF Structure delimiter CHAR1