Period-End Partner: Processing Parameters | #transactional | Component: Overhead Cost Controlling
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
LOGSYS Logical system
TIMESTMP UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
STRUCTURE STRUCTURE of the Parameter/Select-Option Table
FIELD Field of the Parameter/Select-Option Table
ENTRY 4 Byte Signed Integer
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
SIGN SIGN of the Parameter/Select-Option Table CHAR1
OPTIO OPTION of the Parameter/Select-Option Table CHAR2
LOW Lowest/Highest Value of the Parameter/Select-Option Table CHAR200
HIGH Lowest/Highest Value of the Parameter/Select-Option Table CHAR200
TYPE TYPE of the Parameter/Select-Option Table CHAR1
BLOCK 4 Byte Signed Integer INT4