Physical properties data table | #other | Component: Industry Solution Oil
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
SETID FK Number/character defining a set of physical properties data
PAR_NAME FK Parameter of the Quantity Conversion Interface
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
MOLWEIGHT Molecular weight of natural gas:return value from AGA c-code OIB_MOLWEIGHT
BOILPOINTTEMP Boiling point: temperature at reference pressure TEMP_VALUE
FREEZPOINTTEMP Freezing point: temperature, at defined pressure TEMP_VALUE
VAPRES Vapor pressure of liquid petroleum gases (LPG) OIB_PRES
BDICHLIQUID Gas component - liquid absolute density at base conditions OIB_DICHT
API Gas component liquid API gravity at base conditions OIB_DICHT
RELDICHLIQUID Gas component - liquid relative density at base conditions OIB_DICHT
RELDICHGAS Gas component ideal gas relative density at base conditions OIB_DICHT
BDICHGAS Gas component -ideal gas absolute density at base conditions OIB_DICHT
SUMMATIONFACTOR Summation factor (1/pressure) OIB_FAC
LIQ_GAL_LBMOL Ratio of liquid component, volume / mol OIB_FAC
FT3IDGSGALLIQUID Ratio of ideal gas volume in cubic feet per liquid gallon OIB_FAC
VOLRATIO Ratio of liquid to gaseous volume of component OIB_FAC
CRITPRES Critical pressure of natural gas component OIB_PRES
CRITTEMP Critical temperature of natural gas component OIB_PRES
BHVALLQSUP Gas component heating value, superior, fuel as liquid OIB_HVAL
BHVALGSSUP Gas comp. heat. value,superior, id. react. fuel as ideal gas OIB_HVAL
BHVALGSINF Gas comp. heat. value, inferior, ideal reaction, ideal gas OIB_HVAL
VOLAIRGASRAT Volume of air to burn one volume of ideal gas(dimensionless) OIB_FAC
HVALVAPOR Heat of vaporization (heat. value at boiling point) OIB_HVAL
SPECHEATCV Specific heat of natural gas component: C_v OIB_FAC
SPECHEATCP Specific heat of natural gas component: C_p OIB_FAC
SPECHEATCS Specific heat of natural gas component: saturated liquid OIB_FAC
FLLIMUP Flammability limit, upper, Vol% in air OIB_FAC
FLLIMLOW Flammability limit, lower, Vol% in air OIB_FAC
OCTANEMOT Octane number (motor clear) OIB_FAC
OCTANERES Octane number (research clear) OIB_FAC
Master Data Relations Join Conditions
Parameter of the Quantity Conversion Interface
Number/character defining a set of physical properties data
  • Number/character defining a set of physical properties data
  • Client