Operation Activity Confirmation | #transactional | Component: Shop Floor Execution
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
DOC_NMBR Operation Activity Confirmation Document Number
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
📏 Confirmation Unit of Measure (UOM):
YIELD Yield to be Confirmed
SCRAP Quantity of Scrap to be Confirmed during Processing
SCRAP_BFR_STRT Quantity of Scrap to be Confirmed before Processing
SKIP_QTY Skipped Quantity to be Confirmed
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
OAC_TYPE Record Type for Operation Activity Confirmation Show values
IS_POSTED_RETROACTIVELY Retroactive Action Show values
AUTO_CREATION_CODE Origin of Operation Activity Confirmation Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
OAN_INSTANCE_ID Operation Activity Network: Instance ID
OAN_ELEMENT_NUMBER Internal OAN Element Number
SAS_ACTION_NAME Action of a Status and Action Schema MPE_ACTION_TYPE
ACTION_TIME Date and Time of Action TZNTSTMPS
CRTN_USER User who Entered the Confirmation USNAM
CRTN_TIME Operation Activity Confirmation Creation Timestamp TZNTSTMPL
UMREN Denominator for conversion to base units of measure UMBSN
UMREZ Numerator for Conversion to Base Units of Measure UMBSZ
PDSNR Sequential number for PDC messages PDSNR
TRGGRD_BY_DOC_NMBR Operation Activity Confirmation Document Number MPE_DOC_NMBR
GROSS_DURATION Duration Based on Calendar Days
NET_CALENDAR_DURATION Duration Based on Factory Calendar
NET_WORK_CENTER_DURATION Duration Based on Operating Times of Work Center
ACTL_EXEC_DURATION Actual Execution Time of an Operation Activity (Seconds)