BUKRS | Company Code | BUKRS | |
BELNR | Journal Entry | BELNR | |
BUZEI | Line Item | BUZEI | |
HKONT | G/L Account | SAKNR | |
SGTXT | Item Text | TEXT50 | |
ZUONR | Assignment number | ZUONR | |
TAX_COUNTRY | Tax Reporting Country/Region | LAND1 | |
MWSKZ | Tax on sales/purchases code | MWSKZ | |
TAXCODE_TXT | Tax rates for a tax code | TEXT50 | |
TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | TXJCD | |
KURSR | Hedged Exchange Rate | KURSP | |
STCEG | VAT Registration Number | STCEG | |
EGBLD | Country/Region of Destination for Delivery of Goods | LAND1 | |
HBKID | Short Key for a House Bank | HBKID | |
HKTID | House Bank Account | HKTID | |
CCBTC | Payment cards: Settlement run | CCBTC | |
KIDNO | Payment Reference | CHAR30 | |
VBUND | Company ID of Trading Partner | RCOMP | |
RSTGR | Reason Code for Payments | RSTGR | |
XREF1 | Business Partner Reference Key | CHAR12 | |
XREF2 | Business Partner Reference Key | CHAR12 | |
XREF3 | Reference key for line item | CHAR20 | |
PRCTR | Profit Center | PRCTR | |
PPRCTR | Partner Profit Center | PRCTR | |
SEGMENT | Segment for Segmental Reporting | FB_SEGMENT | |
PSEGMENT | Partner Segment for Segmental Reporting | FB_SEGMENT | |
GSBER | Business Area | GSBER | |
PARGB | Partner Business Area | GSBER | |
KDAUF | Sales Order Number | VBELN | |
KDPOS | Sales Order Item | NUM06 | |
KDEIN | Sales Order Schedule | NUM04 | |
ZEKKN | Sequential Number of Account Assignment | NUM02 | |
SERVICE_DOC_TYPE | Service Document Type | CRM_PROCESS_TYPE | |
SERVICE_DOC_ID | Service Document ID | CRM_OBJECT_ID | |
PERNR | Personnel Number | PERNR | |
ANLN1 | Main Asset Number | ANLN1 | |
ANLN2 | Asset Subnumber | ANLN2 | |
ANBWA | Transaction Type | BWASL | |
ABPER | Settlement Period | BUPER | |
WERKS | Plant | WERKS | |
MATNR | Material Number | MATNR | |
RMVCT | Financial Transaction Type | RMVCT | |
PAOBJNR | Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA) | RKEOBJNR | |
PS_POSID | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_POSID | |
NPLNR | Network Number for Account Assignment | AUFNR | |
VORNR | Operation/Activity Number | VORNR | |
VORNR_AUF | Operation Number | VORNR | |
AUFPL | Task List Number for Operations in Order | AUFPL | |
APLZL | General Counter for Order | CO_APLZL | |
KOSTL | Cost Center | KOSTL | |
KSTRG | Cost Object | KSTRG | |
LSTAR | Activity Type | LSTAR | |
PRZNR | Business Process | CO_PRZNR | |
AUFNR | Order Number | AUFNR | |
IMKEY | Internal Key for Real Estate Object | IMKEY | |
FIPOS | Commitment Item | FIPOS | |
FIPEX | Commitment Item | FM_FIPEX | |
FISTL | Funds Center | FISTL | |
GEBER | Fund | BP_GEBER | |
PGEBER | Partner Fund | BP_GEBER | |
PGRANT_NBR | Partner Grant | GM_GRANT_NBR | |
FKBER | Functional Area | FKBER | |
PFKBER | Partner Functional Area | FKBER | |
KBLNR | Document Number for Earmarked Funds | KBLNR | |
KBLPOS | Earmarked Funds: Document Item | KBLPOS | |
BUDGET_PD | Budget Period | FM_BUDGET_PERIOD | |
PBUDGET_PD | FM: Partner Budget Period | FM_BUDGET_PERIOD | |
MEASURE | Funded Program | FM_MEASURE | |
VNAME | Joint venture | JV_NAME | |
RECID | Recovery Indicator | JV_RECIND | |
EGRUP | Equity group | JV_EGROUP | |
VPTNR | Partner account number | KUNNR | |
BTYPE | Billing Indicator | JV_BILIND | |
ETYPE | Equity type | JV_ETYPE | |
GITYP | Distribution Type for Employment Tax | J_1ADTYP | |
GRICD | Activity Code for Gross Income Tax | J_1AGICD2 | |
GRIRG | Region (State, Province, County) | REGIO | |
IDXSP | Inflation Index | J_1AINDXP | |
KTOSL | Transaction Key | CHAR3 | |
TXJCD_EXT | Tax Jurisdiction | TXJCD | |
J_1TPBUPL | Branch Code | BCODE | |
VALOBJTYPE | Type of the Financial Valuation Object | VAL_OBJ_TYPE | |
VALOBJ_ID | Identifier of the Financial Valuation Object | VAL_OBJ_ID | |
VALSOBJ_ID | Identifier of the Financial Valuation Subobject | VAL_SUBOBJ_ID | |
RE_BUKRS | Cash Origin Company Code | BUKRS | |
RE_ACCOUNT | Cash Origin Account | SAKNR | |
BDGT_ACCOUNT | Budget Account | SAKNR | |
BDGT_ACCOUNT_COCODE | Budget Account Company Code | BUKRS | |
RBDGT_VLDTY_NBR | Budget Validity Number | GM_BDGT_VLDTY_NBR | |
SWENR | Business Entity Number | REBDBENO | |
SGRNR | Number of Land | REBDPRNO | |
SGENR | Number of Building | REBDBUNO | |
SMENR | Number of Rental Object | REBDRONO | |
SNKSL | Service Charge Key | RESCSCKEY | |
SEMPSL | Settlement Unit | RESCSUID | |
RECNNR | Contract Number | RECNNUMBER | |
SBERI | Correction item number | SBERI | |
GLO_REF1 | Country/Region Specific Reference 1 on line item | FAC_GLO_REF1 | |
UXFC_DUMMY | Single-Character Flag | CHAR1 | |
DUMMY_INCL_EEW_COBL | Custom Fields: Dummy for Use in Extension Includes | | |
UX_FC_BUKRS | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_BELNR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_BUZEI | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_KOART | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_HKONT | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_SHKZG | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_DMBTR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_WRBTR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_DMBE2 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_DMBE3 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_DMBE4 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_DMBE5 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_DMBE6 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_DMBE7 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_DMBE8 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_DMBE9 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_DMBE10 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_XNEGP | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_SGTXT | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_ZUONR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_TAX_COUNTRY | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_MWSKZ | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_TXDAT | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_TXDAT_FROM | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_TAXCODE_TXT | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_TXBFW | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_TXJCD | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_XSKRL | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_HWMET | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_HWBAS | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_FWBAS | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_GBETR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_KURSR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_LANDL | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_LZBKZ | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_XEGDR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_STCEG | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_EGBLD | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_EGMLD | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_HBKID | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_HKTID | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_CCBTC | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_UZAWE | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_KIDNO | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_BUPLA | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_VBUND | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_RSTGR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_XREF1 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_XREF2 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_XREF3 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_PRCTR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_PPRCTR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_SEGMENT | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_PSEGMENT | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_GSBER | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_PARGB | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_KDAUF | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_KDPOS | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_KDEIN | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_EBELN | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_EBELP | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_ZEKKN | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_SERVICE_DOC_TYPE | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_SERVICE_DOC_ID | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_SERVICE_DOC_ITEM_ID | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_PERNR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_ANLN1 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_ANLN2 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_ANBWA | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_BZDAT | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_ABPER | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_WERKS | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_MATNR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_MENGE | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_MEINS | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_RMVCT | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_PAOBJNR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_PS_POSID | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_NPLNR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_VORNR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_VORNR_AUF | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_AUFPL | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_APLZL | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_KOSTL | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_KSTRG | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_LSTAR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_PRZNR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_AUFNR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_IMKEY | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_DABRZ | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_FIPOS | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_FIPEX | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_FISTL | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_GEBER | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_PGEBER | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_GRANT_NBR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_PGRANT_NBR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_GMVKZ | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_SRTYPE | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_FKBER | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_PFKBER | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_KBLNR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_KBLPOS | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_ERLKZ | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_BUDGET_PD | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_PBUDGET_PD | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_MEASURE | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_VNAME | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_RECID | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_EGRUP | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_VPTNR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_BTYPE | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_ETYPE | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_PRODPER | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_GITYP | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_GRICD | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_GRIRG | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_IDXSP | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_KTOSL | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_TXJCD_EXT | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_J_1TPBUPL | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_VALOBJTYPE | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_VALOBJ_ID | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_VALSOBJ_ID | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_RISK_CLASS | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_RE_BUKRS | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_RE_ACCOUNT | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_BDGT_ACCOUNT | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_BDGT_ACCOUNT_COCODE | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_PEROP_BEG | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_PEROP_END | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_RSPONSORED_PROG | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_RSPONSORED_CLASS | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_RBDGT_VLDTY_NBR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_VALUT | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_SWENR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_SGRNR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_SGENR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_SMENR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_SNKSL | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_SEMPSL | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_RECNNR | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_SBERI | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_GLO_REF1 | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_WORK_ITEM_ID | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_FC_UXFC_DUMMY | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
UX_ME_DMBTR | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
UX_ME_DMBE2 | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
UX_ME_DMBE3 | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
UX_ME_DMBE4 | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
UX_ME_DMBE5 | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
UX_ME_DMBE6 | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
UX_ME_DMBE7 | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
UX_ME_DMBE8 | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
UX_ME_DMBE9 | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
UX_ME_DMBE10 | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
UX_ME_FKBER | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
UX_ME_SEGMENT | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
UX_ME_GSBER | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
UX_ME_TXJCD_EXT | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
UX_ME_TXJCD | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
UX_ME_ZTERM | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
UX_ME_MWSTS | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
UX_ME_J_1TPBUPL | UI entered field content | CHAR1 | |
GJAHR | Fiscal Year | GJAHR | |
TAXPS | Tax document item number | NUM6 | |
KOKRS | Controlling Area | CACCD | |
FIKRS | Financial Management Area | FIKRS | |
FDGRP | Planning Group | FDGRP | |
LOKKT | G/L Account | SAKNR | |
HKONT_TXT | GL Account Description | TEXT20 | |
BUKRS_TXT | Name of Company Code or Company | TEXT25 | |
LOKKT_TXT | GL Account Description | TEXT20 | |
FKBER_TXT | Name of the functional area | TEXT25 | |
KOSTL_TXT | General Name | TEXT20 | |
KUNNR_TXT | Name 1 | NAME | |
MATNR_EXT_TXT | Material Description | TEXT40 | |
MATNR_TXT | Material Description | TEXT40 | |
PRCTR_TXT | Long Text | TEXT40 | |
SEGMENT_TXT | Text Field | TEXT50 | |
PSEGMENT_TXT | Text Field | TEXT50 | |
VBUND_TXT | Company name | TEXT30 | |
HWMET_TXT | Explanatory Short Text | DDTEXT | |
LIFNR_TXT | Name | TEXT30 | |
PLANT_TXT | Name | TEXT30 | |
WERKS_TXT | Name | TEXT30 | |
PPRCT_TXT | General Name | TEXT20 | |
PPRCTR_TXT | General Name | TEXT20 | |
TXJCD_TXT | Text | TEXT50 | |
MWSKZ_TXT | Text | TEXT50 | |
QSSKZ_TXT | Text | TEXT50 | |
GSBER_TXT | Business area description | TEXT30 | |
PARGB_TXT | Business area description | TEXT30 | |
UMSKZ_TXT | Long Text for Special G/L Indicators | TEXT30 | |
ZTERM_TXT | Description of terms of payment | TEXT30 | |
ZLSCH_TXT | Text | TEXT50 | |
ZLSPR_TXT | Explanation of the Reason for Payment Block | TEXT20 | |
KTOPL | Chart of Accounts | KTOPL | |
KALSM | Procedure (Pricing, Output Control, Acct. Det., Costing,...) | KALSM | |
GEBER_TXT | Name | TEXT20 | |
PGEBER_TXT | Name | TEXT20 | |
BUDGET_PD_TXT | Budget Period Name | NAME | |
PBUDGET_PD_TXT | Budget Period Name | NAME | |
FISTL_TXT | Name | TEXT20 | |
MEASURE_TXT | Name | TEXT20 | |
GRANT_NBR_TXT | Name | TEXT20 | |
PGRANT_NBR_TXT | Name | TEXT20 | |
RSPONSORED_CLASS_TXT | Sponsored Class Name | TEXT20 | |
RSPONSORED_PROG_TXT | Sponsored Program Name | TEXT24 | |
RBDGT_VLDTY_NBR_TXT | null | | |
FIPEX_TXT | Name | TEXT20 | |
WT_KEY | Grouping Key for Withholding Tax Information | NUMC06 | |
SLALITTYPE | Subledger-Specific Line Item Type | SLALITTYPE | |
SUBTA | Partial Document to Be Balanced to Zero | | |
PAYT_RSN_TXT | Payment Reason Description | CHAR130 | |
GLO_REF1_LBL | Medium Field Label | SCRTEXT_M | |
GLO_RE1_OT_LBL | Medium Field Label | SCRTEXT_M | |
BSCHL | Posting Key | BSCHL | |
AUGBL | Document Number of the Clearing Document | BELNR | |
AUGGJ | Fiscal Year of Clearing Document | GJAHR | |
AGZEI | Clearing Item | AGZEI | |
ALTKT | Group Account Number | SAKNR | |
GVTYP | P&L statement account type | CHAR2 | |
INTRENO | Internal Key of Real Estate Object | RECAINTRENO | |
BUZEI_SENDER | Item Number Within Accounting Document in Sender System | BUZEI | |
RACCT_SENDER | General Ledger Account in Sender System | CHAR10 | |
ACCASTY_SENDER | Account Assignment Type in Sender System | J_OBART | |
ACCAS_SENDER | Account Assignment in Sender System | ACCAS | |
ACDOC_EEW_DUMMY | Custom Fields: Dummy for Use in Extension Includes | | |
CREA_DATE_TIME | UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun) | TZNTSTMPL | |
CREA_UNAME | User Name | UNAME | |
LCHG_DATE_TIME | UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun) | TZNTSTMPL | |
LCHG_UNAME | User Name | UNAME | |
BKPF_BUKRS | Company Code | BUKRS | |
MATNR_EXT | External Long Material Number | MATNR_EXT | |
GLACCT | G/L Account | SAKNR | |
UX_FC_GLACCT | UI Field Control Byte (Should be defined centrally) | INT1 | |
GLACCT_TXT | GL Account Description | TEXT20 | |
GLACCT_TXT_VH | GL Account Description | TEXT20 | |
POSNR_SORTING | Accounting Document Line Item Number | POSNR_ACC | |