Aggregated data of MEMON_TECH | #masterdata | Component: SAP NetWeaver Mobile - Use subcomponents
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
SYNC_DATE Date of the aggregated data
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
SYNC_DATE Date of the aggregated data
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
SYNC_NUMB Number of syncs INT4
COMP_IN_LEN ME:AGS - compressed length of the input stream INT4
UNCOMP_IN_LEN ME:AGS - uncompressed length of the stream INT4
COMP_OUT_LEN ME:AGS - uncompressed length of the outgoing stream INT4
UNCOMP_OUT_LEN ME:AGS - uncompressed length of the outgoing stream INT4
DWN_SEVRER_TIME ME:AGS - Server download time INT4
UPL_SERVER_TIME ME: AGS Upload server time of the synchronization INT4
DWN_NETWORK_TIME ME: AGS - download time network INT4
UPL_NETWORK_TIME ME:AGS - Synchronization unpload network time INT4
DWN_CLIENT_TIME ME: AGS - client download time for the Synchronization INT4
UPL_CLIENT_TIME ME:AGS - upload time of the synchronization INT4
DWN_SERVER_TMAX Maximum server download time INT4
UPL_SERVER_TMAX Maximum server upload time INT4
DWN_NETWORK_TMAX Maximum network download time INT4
UPL_NETWORK_TMAX Maximum network upload time INT4
DWN_CLIENT_TMAX Maximum client download time INT4
UPL_CLIENT_TMAX Maximum client upload time INT4
NETWORK_RATE Average network transfer rate INT4
SYNC_NUMB_EC Number of syncs with error containers INT4
SYNC_NUMB_EMM Number of syncs with end marker missing INT4