CMP Attribute of Change State for Geometric Instance | #masterdata | Component: Integrated Product and Process Engineering
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
INSTGUID Internal Number of Geometric Instance
INSTCNT FK Internal Counter for iPPE Objects
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
KNOBJ Number of Object with Assigned Dependencies PPE_KNOBJ
XMIN Coordinate of Bounding Box FLTP
YMIN Coordinate of Bounding Box FLTP
ZMIN Coordinate of Bounding Box FLTP
XMAX Coordinate of Bounding Box FLTP
YMAX Coordinate of Bounding Box FLTP
ZMAX Coordinate of Bounding Box FLTP
LOCOX Parameter for DMU Transformation Matrix PPE_DMUTMXPARAM
LOCOY Parameter for DMU Transformation Matrix PPE_DMUTMXPARAM
LOCOZ Parameter for DMU Transformation Matrix PPE_DMUTMXPARAM
AXIS1X Parameter for DMU Transformation Matrix PPE_DMUTMXPARAM
AXIS1Y Parameter for DMU Transformation Matrix PPE_DMUTMXPARAM
AXIS1Z Parameter for DMU Transformation Matrix PPE_DMUTMXPARAM
AXIS2X Parameter for DMU Transformation Matrix PPE_DMUTMXPARAM
AXIS2Y Parameter for DMU Transformation Matrix PPE_DMUTMXPARAM
AXIS2Z Parameter for DMU Transformation Matrix PPE_DMUTMXPARAM
AXIS3X Parameter for DMU Transformation Matrix PPE_DMUTMXPARAM
AXIS3Y Parameter for DMU Transformation Matrix PPE_DMUTMXPARAM
AXIS3Z Parameter for DMU Transformation Matrix PPE_DMUTMXPARAM
SCALE Parameter for DMU Transformation Matrix PPE_DMUTMXPARAM
Master Data Relations Join Conditions
Internal Counter for iPPE Objects
  • Internal Counter for iPPE Objects
  • Internal Number of Geometric Instance