Used to store the Delta values and counters for MTBE calc | #transactional | Component: Aerospace & Defence Industry Solution
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
EQUNR Equipment Number
LENGTH Length of the period
DATETO End date of time segment
TPLNR Functional Location
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
DATETO End date of time segment
DATEFRM Start date of time segment
CREATED_ON_TIME SPEC2000: Created on Time
CREATED_ON_DATE SPEC2000: Created on Date
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
MATNR Material Number MATNR
DELTA_T_OH Total operation hours per SI Unit IMRC_FLTPS
DELTA_T_OC Total operation Operation Cycles per SI Unit IMRC_FLTPS
DELTA_T_LC Total Landing Cycles IMRC_FLTPS
COUNT_SHCD Count the total number of Scheduled Removals COUNT_NOTIF
COUNT_UNSC Count the total number of Unscheduled Removals COUNT_NOTIF
COUNT_FAIL Count the total number of Failures COUNT_NOTIF