Validation Info for Meter Reading | #transactional | Component: Meter Reading
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
ABLBELNR Internal ID for meter reading document
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
ORIGIN_ESTIM Origin of estimated values Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
PRUEFPKT Independent validation PRUEFPKT
POPCODE Dependent validation POPCODE
COMPT Current Consumption I_COMPFORMAT
COMPT_EXP Expected Consumption I_COMPFORMAT
VALUE_CURRENT INTERNAL: calculation format for readings and consumption I_COMPFORMAT
VALUE_EXPECTED INTERNAL: calculation format for readings and consumption I_COMPFORMAT
LOWER_LIMIT INTERNAL: calculation format for readings and consumption I_COMPFORMAT
UPPER_LIMIT INTERNAL: calculation format for readings and consumption I_COMPFORMAT
STANZNAC_COMPT Places after the decimal in a register STANZNAC