R/2-R/3 Link: Delivery Item Data R2 -> R3 | #itemdata | Component: Basic Functions
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
SNKOM Record no.of communication doc.for decentralized shipping
LNKOM Sequence Number in a Communication Record
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
SSKOM Status of communication record for decentralized shipping Show values
KZTLF Partial delivery at item level Show values
UEBTK Unlimited Overdelivery Allowed Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
POSNR Delivery Item POSNR
UEPOS Higher-Level Item in Bill of Material Structures POSNR
MATNR Material Number MATNR
LGORT Storage location LGORT
CHARG Batch Number CHARG
SOBKZ Special Stock Indicator SOBKZ
LFIMG Delivery quantity (special storage for decentral.shipping) NUM14
UMVKZ Counter for converting to base unit (spec.stor.dec.ship) NUM05
UMVKN Denominator for converting to base qty (spec.stor.dec.ship) NUM05
BRGEW Gross weight (special storage for decentralized shipping) NUM16
NTGEW Net weight (special storage for decentralized shipping) NUM16
VOLUM Volume (special storage for decentralized shipping) NUM16
ARKTX Short text for sales order item TEXT40
VGBEL Document number of the reference document VBELN
VGPOS Item number of the reference item POSNR