Balance Audit Trail | #transactional | #language | Component: Information System
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
KOART Account type Show values
BUKRS Company Code
KONTO Customer Number
GJAHR Fiscal Year
GSBER Business Area
Column Name Description
SLVFW Balance Carried Forward in Foreign Currency
WM01S Monthly Debit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM01H Monthly Credit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM02S Monthly Debit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM02H Monthly Credit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM03S Monthly Debit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM03H Monthly Credit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM04S Monthly Debit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM04H Monthly Credit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM05S Monthly Debit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM05H Monthly Credit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM06S Monthly Debit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM06H Monthly Credit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM07S Monthly Debit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM07H Monthly Credit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM08S Monthly Debit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM08H Monthly Credit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM09S Monthly Debit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM09H Monthly Credit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM10S Monthly Debit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM10H Monthly Credit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM11S Monthly Debit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM11H Monthly Credit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM12S Monthly Debit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM12H Monthly Credit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM13S Monthly Debit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM13H Monthly Credit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM14S Monthly Debit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM14H Monthly Credit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM15S Monthly Debit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM15H Monthly Credit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM16S Monthly Debit Postings Total in Account Currency
WM16H Monthly Credit Postings Total in Account Currency
💲 Currency Key (T001.WAERS):
UMSAV Balance Carried Forward in Local Currency
UM01S Total of the Credit Postings for the Month
UM01H Total of the Debit Postings for the Month
UM02S Total of the Credit Postings for the Month
UM02H Total of the Debit Postings for the Month
UM03S Total of the Credit Postings for the Month
UM03H Total of the Debit Postings for the Month
UM04S Total of the Credit Postings for the Month
UM04H Total of the Debit Postings for the Month
UM05S Total of the Credit Postings for the Month
UM05H Total of the Debit Postings for the Month
UM06S Total of the Credit Postings for the Month
UM06H Total of the Debit Postings for the Month
UM07S Total of the Credit Postings for the Month
UM07H Total of the Debit Postings for the Month
UM08S Total of the Credit Postings for the Month
UM08H Total of the Debit Postings for the Month
UM09S Total of the Credit Postings for the Month
UM09H Total of the Debit Postings for the Month
UM10S Total of the Credit Postings for the Month
UM10H Total of the Debit Postings for the Month
UM11S Total of the Credit Postings for the Month
UM11H Total of the Debit Postings for the Month
UM12S Total of the Credit Postings for the Month
UM12H Total of the Debit Postings for the Month
UM13S Total of the Credit Postings for the Month
UM13H Total of the Debit Postings for the Month
UM14S Total of the Credit Postings for the Month
UM14H Total of the Debit Postings for the Month
UM15S Total of the Credit Postings for the Month
UM15H Total of the Debit Postings for the Month
UM16S Total of the Credit Postings for the Month
UM16H Total of the Debit Postings for the Month
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
ZINDT Key Date of Last Interest Calculation
DATLZ Date of Last Interest Calculation Run
Column Name Description
KOART Account type Show values
XBILK Indicator: Account is a balance sheet account? Show values
MITKZ Account is Reconciliation Account Show values
WMETH Indicator: Account Managed in External System Show values
XKOAR Cash Receipt Account / Cash Disbursement Account Show values
KSART Checkbox Show values
ALTKZ Full Audit Trail:ID: Altern.Acct No. Filled with Credit Acct Show values
ZINRT Interest Calculation Frequency in Months Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
SAART Record Type for Accumulated Balance Audit Trail CHAR1
KTOKS G/L Account Group KTOKS
ZUAWA Key for sorting according to assignment numbers ZUAWA
MWSKZ Tax on sales/purchases code MWSKZ
FIPLS Financial Budget Item FIPLS
ALTKT Account Number in Group ALTKT
VZSKZ Interest Indicator VZSKZ
SPRAS Language Key SPRAS