KTOPL | Chart of Accounts | KTOPL | |
PS_POSID | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_POSID | |
TAX_KALSM | Procedure (Pricing, Output Control, Acct. Det., Costing,...) | KALSM | |
LAND1 | Country/Region Key | LAND1 | |
SWIFT | SWIFT/BIC for International Payments | SWIFT | |
ERKRS | Operating concern | ERKRS | |
MAT_POSID | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_POSID | |
MANDT | Client | MANDT | |
AWTYP | Reference procedure | AWTYP | |
AWREF | Reference document number | AWREF | |
AWORG | Reference Organizational Units | AWORG | |
POSNR | Accounting Document Line Item Number | POSNR_ACC | |
LOGVO | Logical Transaction | LOGVO | |
ISTAT | Item History | CHAR1 | |
AWREF_REV | Reversal: Reference Document No. of Document to Be Reversed | AWREF | |
AWORG_REV | Reversal: Reference Organizations of Document to Be Reversed | AWORG | |
AWITEM_REV | Reversal: Reference Doc. Line Itm of Document to Be Reversed | NUMC6 | |
AWREF_REB | Invoice reference: Document number for invoice reference | AWREF | |
AWORG_REB | Invoice reference: Reference organization for inv. reference | AWORG | |
BUKRS | Company Code | BUKRS | |
BELNR | Document Number of an Accounting Document | BELNR | |
GJAHR | Fiscal Year | GJAHR | |
BUZEI | Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document | BUZEI | |
OBZEI | Number of Line Item in Original Document | BUZEI | |
DOCLN | Six-Character Posting Item for Ledger | DOCLN6 | |
MONAT | Fiscal period | MONAT | |
BLART | Document Type | BLART | |
XBLNR | Reference Document Number | XBLNR1 | |
XREF1 | Business Partner Reference Key | CHAR12 | |
XREF2 | Business Partner Reference Key | CHAR12 | |
XREF3 | Reference key for line item | CHAR20 | |
XREF1_HD | Reference Key 1 Internal for Document Header | CHAR20 | |
XREF2_HD | Reference Key 2 Internal for Document Header | CHAR20 | |
VORGN | Transaction Type for General Ledger | VORGN | |
PRVRG | Business Transaction for Validations | J_VORGANG | |
PRVRG_SV | Business transaction for status management | J_VORGANG | |
STBUK | Tax Company Code | BUKRS | |
MWSKZ | Tax on sales/purchases code | MWSKZ | |
KTOSL | Transaction Key | CHAR3 | |
KNUMH | Number of the Condition Record | KNUMH | |
TXJCD | Tax Jurisdiction | TXJCD | |
TXJDP | Tax Jurisdiction Code - Jurisdiction for Lowest Level Tax | TXJCD | |
TXJLV | Tax jurisdiction code level | CHAR1 | |
TAXPS | Tax document item number | NUM6 | |
OLD_DOC_NUMBER | Temporary document number when calculating taxes | VBELN | |
BUPLA | Business Place | J_1BBRANCH | |
SECCO | Section Code | SECCO | |
ZUMSK | Target Special G/L Indicator | UMSKZ | |
UMSKZ | Special G/L Indicator | UMSKZ | |
BSCHL | Posting Key | BSCHL | |
KUNNR | Customer Number | KUNNR | |
LIFNR | Account Number of Supplier | LIFNR | |
SAKNR | G/L Account Number | SAKNR | |
HKONT | General Ledger Account | SAKNR | |
ALTKT | Account Number in Group | ALTKT | |
FILKD | Account Number of the Branch | MAXKK | |
LOKKT | Account Number in the Local Chart of Accounts | SAKNR | |
GVTYP | P&L statement account type | CHAR2 | |
GKONT | Offsetting Account Number | GKONT | |
CACCT | G/L offsetting acct number | SAKNR | |
LINETYPE | Item Category | LINETYPE | |
ZTERM | Terms of payment key | ZTERM | |
ZBD1T | Cash discount days 1 | ZBDXT | |
ZBD2T | Cash discount days 2 | ZBDXT | |
ZBD3T | Net Payment Terms Period | ZBDXT | |
ZBD1P | Cash discount percentage 1 | PRZ23 | |
ZBD2P | Cash Discount Percentage 2 | PRZ23 | |
UZAWE | Payment method supplement | UZAWE | |
ZLSCH | Payment Method | ZLSCH | |
EMPFB | Payee/Payer | MAXKK | |
RSTGR | Reason Code for Payments | RSTGR | |
REBZG | Document No. of the Invoice to Which the Transaction Belongs | BELNR | |
REBZJ | Fiscal Year of the Relevant Invoice (for Credit Memo) | GJAHR | |
REBZZ | Line Item in the Relevant Invoice | BUZEI | |
REBZT | Follow-On Document Type | REBZT | |
MABER | Dunning Area | MABER | |
MSCHL | Dunning Key | MSCHL | |
MANST | Dunning Level | MAHNS | |
MANSP | Dunning Block | MANSP | |
ZLSPR | Payment Block Key | ZAHLS | |
ADRNR | Address | ADRNR | |
STCEG | VAT Registration Number | STCEG | |
EGLLD | Supplying Country/Region for Delivery of Goods | LAND1 | |
EGBLD | Country/Region of Destination for Delivery of Goods | LAND1 | |
EGMLD | Reporting Country/Region for Delivery of Goods Within the EU | LAND1 | |
LZBKZ | State Central Bank Indicator | LZBKZ | |
LANDL | Supplying Country/Region | LAND1 | |
LAND1_ACNT | Customer/Vendor Country/Region | LAND1 | |
DIEKZ | Service Indicator (Foreign Payment) | DIEKZ | |
SAMNR | Invoice List Number | SAMNR | |
ABPER | Settlement Period | BUPER | |
ZUONR | Assignment number | ZUONR | |
DTWS1 | Instruction Key 1 | DTWSX | |
DTWS2 | Instruction Key 2 | DTWSX | |
DTWS3 | Instruction key 3 | DTWSX | |
DTWS4 | Instruction key 4 | DTWSX | |
SGTXT | Item Text | TEXT50 | |
GSBER | Business Area | GSBER | |
KOSTL | Cost Center | KOSTL | |
LSTAR | Activity Type | LSTAR | |
KOKRS | Controlling Area | CACCD | |
PERNR | Personnel Number | PERNR | |
AUFNR | Order Number | AUFNR | |
ANLN1 | Main Asset Number | ANLN1 | |
ANLN2 | Asset Subnumber | ANLN2 | |
ANBWA | Asset Transaction Type | BWASL | |
RMVCT | Transaction type | RMVCT | |
ABUKR | Company Code Which Will Be Cleared Against | BUKRS | |
ANLGR | Group Asset | ANLN1 | |
ANLGR2 | Subnumber of Group Asset | ANLN2 | |
MATNR | Material Number | MATNR | |
WERKS | Plant | WERKS | |
BWART | Movement type (inventory management) | BWART | |
PARGB | Trading partner's business area | GSBER | |
GSBER_GP | Business area reported to the partner | GSBER | |
BUZID | Identification of the Line Item | CHAR1 | |
HRKFT | Origin Group as Subdivision of Cost Element | HRKFT | |
IMKEY | Internal Key for Real Estate Object | IMKEY | |
KSTRG | Cost Object | KSTRG | |
PAOBJNR | Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA) | RKEOBJNR | |
PRZNR | Business Process | CO_PRZNR | |
PRCTR | Profit Center | PRCTR | |
PPRCTR | Partner Profit Center | PRCTR | |
PS_PSP_PNR | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_POSNR | |
MAT_PSPNR | Valuated Sales Order Stock WBS Element | PS_POSNR | |
NPLNR | Network Number for Account Assignment | AUFNR | |
AUFPL | Routing number of operations in the order | AUFPL | |
APLZL | Internal counter | CIM_COUNT | |
AUFPS | Order item number | CO_POSNR | |
FIKRS | Financial Management Area | FIKRS | |
FIPOS | Commitment Item | FIPOS | |
FISTL | Funds Center | FISTL | |
GEBER | Fund | BP_GEBER | |
KBLNR | Document Number for Earmarked Funds | KBLNR | |
KBLPOS | Earmarked Funds: Document Item | KBLPOS | |
KBLTYP_EXT | Earmarked Funds: Reference Object Type | AWTYP | |
KBLREF_EXT | Earmarked Funds: Reference Document Number | AWREF | |
KBLORG_EXT | Earmarked Funds: Reference Organization Units | AWORG | |
KBLPOS_EXT | Earmarked Funds: Reference Line Item | AWPOS | |
LOTKZ | Lot Number for Documents | LOTKZ | |
VBELN | Sales and Distribution Document Number | VBELN | |
KDAUF | Sales Order Number | VBELN | |
KDPOS | Item number in Sales Order | NUM06 | |
MAT_KDAUF | Sales order number of valuated sales order stock | VBELN | |
MAT_KDPOS | Sales Order Item of Valuated Sales Order Stock | NUM06 | |
SOBKZ | Special Stock Indicator | SOBKZ | |
VBUND | Company ID of Trading Partner | RCOMP | |
BWKEY | Valuation area | BWKEY | |
BWTAR | Valuation Type | BWTAR | |
VNAME | Joint venture | JV_NAME | |
EGRUP | Equity group | JV_EGROUP | |
BTYPE | Billing Indicator | JV_BILIND | |
EBELN | Purchasing Document Number | EBELN | |
EBELP | Item Number of Purchasing Document | EBELP | |
ZEKKN | Sequential Number of Account Assignment | NUM02 | |
RECID | Recovery Indicator | JV_RECIND | |
ETYPE | Equity type | JV_ETYPE | |
VPTNR | Partner account number | KUNNR | |
TAXIT | Indicator: Tax Item | CHAR1 | |
FCVAL | Indicator: Line Item Contains Foreign Currency Valuation | CHAR1 | |
PSTYP | Item category in purchasing document | PSTYP | |
BUSTW | Posting String for Values | BUSTW | |
TBTKZ | Indicator: Subsequent Debit/Credit | TBTKZ | |
ESRNR | ISR subscriber number | ESRNR | |
ESRPZ | POR check digit | CHAR2 | |
ESRRE | ISR/QR Reference Number | ESRRE | |
QSSKZ | Withholding Tax Code | QSSKZ | |
BKLAS | Valuation Class | BKLAS | |
BWMOD | Valuation Grouping Code | CHAR4 | |
MTART | Material type | MTART | |
EPRCTR | Partner profit center for elimination of internal business | PRCTR | |
POSNR_SD | Item number of the SD document | POSNR | |
KSCHL | Condition Type | KSCHL | |
STUNR | Step Number | STUNR | |
ZAEHK | Condition Counter | ZAEHK | |
FKART | Billing Type | FKART | |
VTWEG | Distribution Channel | VTWEG | |
KUNAG | Sold-to Party | KUNNR | |
SPART | Division | SPART | |
VKORG | Sales Organization | VKORG | |
VKBUR | Sales office | VKBUR | |
VKGRP | Sales group | VKGRP | |
AUBEL | Sales Document | VBELN | |
AUPOS | Sales Document Item | POSNR | |
KAPPL | Application | KAPPL | |
KURSK | Exchange Rate for Price Determination | KURRF | |
VBEL2 | Sales Document | VBELN | |
POSN2 | Sales Document Item | POSNR | |
FDLEV | Planning Level | FDLEV | |
FDGRP | Planning Group | FDGRP | |
XPKON | Check account assignment | XPKON | |
XAKON | Indicator: CO account assignment field filled automatically | CHAR1 | |
AFABE | Real depreciation area | AFABE | |
VERSA | Results Analysis Version | VERSN_ABGR | |
AUGGJ | Fiscal Year of Clearing Document | GJAHR | |
AUGBL | Document Number of the Clearing Document | BELNR | |
AGZEI | Clearing Item | AGZEI | |
CCNUM | Payment cards: Card number | CCNUM | |
CCFOL | Payment cards: Payment card suffix | CHAR10 | |
CCNAME | Payment cards: Name of cardholder | TEXT40 | |
AUNUM | Payment cards: Authorization number | CHAR10 | |
AUTRA | Payment cards: Authorizat. reference code of clearing house | CHAR15 | |
TRMID | Payment cards: Terminal | CHAR10 | |
CCBTC | Payment cards: Settlement run | CCBTC | |
CCARD_GUID | Reference to Encrypted Payment Card Data | SYSUUID_C | |
DP_TOKEN | Token for Digital Payment Integration in SD | CCNUM | |
DP_PSP | Payment Service Provider for Digital Payments | DP_PAYMENT_SERVICE_PROVIDER | |
DP_PAYID | Digital Payments: Payment ID from Payment Service Provider | DP_PAYID | |
DP_PSP_TRANSID | SAP Digital Payments: Transaction ID of PSP | DP_PSP_TRANS_ID | |
DP_TRANS_ID | Transaction/Payment ID of SAP Digital Payments | DP_TRANSID | |
DP_MERCHANT_ALIAS | SAP Digital Payments Add-On: Merchant Alias | DP_MERCHANT_ALIAS | |
DP_AUTH_REL_ID | Unique identifier of a previous successful authorization | FAR_DP_AUTH_REL_ID | |
DP_FRAUD_RISK | Code of Fraud Risk | DP_FRAUD_RISK_CODE | |
ANLO1 | Main Asset Number | ANLN1 | |
ANLO2 | Asset Subnumber | ANLN2 | |
CONDI | Joint Venture Indicator (Condition Key) | JV_CONDCOD | |
BEMOT | Accounting Indicator | BEMOT | |
KIDNO | Payment Reference | CHAR30 | |
NUMPG | Number of pages of invoice | J_1ANOPG | |
GRICD | Activity Code for Gross Income Tax | J_1AGICD2 | |
GRIRG | Region (State, Province, County) | REGIO | |
WT_KEY | Grouping Key for Withholding Tax Information | NUMC06 | |
VERTN | Contract Number | RANL | |
VBEWA | Flow Type | SBEWART | |
BVTYP | Partner bank type | BVTYP | |
HBKID | Short Key for a House Bank | HBKID | |
HKTID | ID for Account Details | HKTID | |
MWSK1 | Tax Code for Distribution | MWSKZ | |
MWSK2 | Tax Code for Distribution | MWSKZ | |
MWSK3 | Tax Code for Distribution | MWSKZ | |
ABWZE | Alternative payee | KUNNR | |
BVTYPABW | Bank type of alternative payer | BVTYP | |
BAPI_PARAM | Field Name | FDNAME | |
BAPI_TABIX | Row Index of Internal Tables | SYST_LONG | |
CCACT | G/L Account Number for Payment Card Receivables | SAKNR | |
BVALTNR | Procurement Alternative/Process | CK_KALNR | |
KALN1 | Cost Estimate Number - Product Costing | CK_KALNR | |
AUFNR_ORG | Original Order Number | AUFNR | |
CESSION_KZ | Accounts Receivable Pledging Indicator | CESSION_KZ | |
ZEILE | Item in Material or Invoice Verification Document | NUMC6 | |
URZEILE | Original Item in Material or Invoice Document | NUMC6 | |
MLBWG | Movement Type Group for ML Update | CKML_MLBWG | |
EKORG | Purchasing organization | EKORG | |
UMMAT | Receiving/Issuing Material | MATNR | |
UMWRK | Receiving plant/issuing plant | WERKS | |
KNTTP | Account Assignment Category | KNTTP | |
UMSOK | Special stock indicator for physical stock transfer | SOBKZ | |
MAT_LIFNR | Valuated Vendor Stocks | LIFNR | |
AWTYP_REV | Reference procedure | AWTYP | |
AWTYP_REB | Reference procedure | AWTYP | |
VORNR | Operation/Activity Number | VORNR | |
PGEBER | Partner Fund | BP_GEBER | |
PENRC | Reason for Late Payment | CHAR2 | |
PGRANT_NBR | Partner Grant | GM_GRANT_NBR | |
IDXSP | Inflation Index | J_1AINDXP | |
INTRENO | Internal Real Estate Master Data Code | VVINTRENO | |
MEASURE | Funded Program | FM_MEASURE | |
STBLG | Reverse Document Number | BELNR | |
HZUON | Assignment Number for Special G/L Accounts | ZUONR | |
PSEGMENT | Partner Segment for Segmental Reporting | FB_SEGMENT | |
PFKBER | Partner Functional Area | FKBER | |
PKOSTL | Sender cost center | KOSTL | |
KSTAR | Cost Element | KSTAR | |
CASE_GUID_CORE | Technical Case Key (Case GUID) | SYSUUID_C | |
BUDGET_PD | Budget Period | FM_BUDGET_PERIOD | |
PBUDGET_PD | FM: Partner Budget Period | FM_BUDGET_PERIOD | |
POSNR_REORG | Item Number of a Posting Items Relevant for Reorganization | | |
ERP_CONTRACT_ID | Number of principal purchase agreement | EBELN | |
ERP_CONTRACT_ITM | Item number of principal purchase agreement | EBELP | |
AWSYS_REB | Logical system of source document | LOGSYS | |
PAYS_PROV | Payment Service Provider | COM_WEC_PAYMENT_SRV_PROVIDER | |
PAYS_TRAN | Payment Reference of Payment Service Provider | COM_WEC_PSP_TRANSACTION_ID | |
CRM_EXPENSE_TYPE | Expense Type for Grantor | GTR_CRM_EXPENSE_CAT | |
PROG_PROFILE | Grantor Program Profile | | |
MNDID | Unique Reference to Mandate for each Payee | ID035 | |
BVORG | Number of Cross-Company Code Posting Transaction | BVORG | |
LOGSYSTEM_SENDER | Logical System of the Sender | LOGSYS | |
BUKRS_SENDER | Company Code in Sender System | CHAR4 | |
BELNR_SENDER | Document Number of an Accounting Document in Sender System | BELNR | |
GJAHR_SENDER | Fiscal Year of an Accounting Document in the Sender System | GJAHR | |
BUZEI_SENDER | Item Number Within Accounting Document in Sender System | BUZEI | |
RACCT_SENDER | General Ledger Account in Sender System | CHAR10 | |
ACCASTY_SENDER | Account Assignment Type in Sender System | J_OBART | |
ACCAS_SENDER | Account Assignment in Sender System | ACCAS | |
STJAH | Fiscal Year of Reversal Document | GJAHR | |
AUSBK | Source Company Code | BUKRS | |
SUBTA | Partial Document to be balanced to zero | NUMC6 | |
SUBTA_REV | Reversal: Partial Document to be balanced to zero | NUMC6 | |
SLALITTYPE | Subledger-Specific Line Item Type | SLALITTYPE | |
MOVCAT | Transaction Type Category | FAA_MOVCAT | |
AWITEM | Reference Document Line Item | NUMC6 | |
AWITGRP | Group of Reference Document Line Items | NUMC6 | |
PREC_AWTYP | Preceding Document Reference Transaction | AWTYP | |
PREC_AWORG | Preceding Document Reference Organizational Units | AWORG | |
PREC_AWREF | Preceding Document Reference Document Number | AWREF | |
PREC_AWITEM | Preceding Reference Document Line Item | NUMC6 | |
PREC_BUKRS | Preceding Journal Entry Company Code | BUKRS | |
PREC_GJAHR | Preceding Journal Entry Fiscal Year | GJAHR | |
PREC_BELNR | Preceding Journal Entry Document Number | BELNR | |
PREC_DOCLN | Preceding Journal Entry Line Item | DOCLN6 | |
PREC_SUBTA | Partial Document to be balanced to zero | NUMC6 | |
CLOSING_RUN_ID | UUID of Financial Closing Run | UUID | |
SRC_AWTYP | Source Document Type | AWTYP | |
SRC_AWSYS | Source Document System | LOGSYS | |
SRC_AWORG | Organizational Unit of Source Document | AWORG | |
SRC_AWREF | Source Document Number | AWREF | |
SRC_AWITEM | Line Item in Source Document | NUMC6 | |
SRC_AWSUBIT | Subitem in Source Document | NUMC6 | |
OBJNR_OF | Number of Offsetting CO object | J_OBJNR | |
VTSTAMP | UTC Time Stamp in Long Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmssmmmuuun) | TZNTSTMPL | |
PBUKRS_COFI | Company Code of Partner | BUKRS | |
PAOBJNR_ATTR | Attributed Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA) | RKEOBJNR | |
RSRCE | Resource | CO_RESSOURCE | |
UKOSTL | Origin cost center | KOSTL | |
ULSTAR | Origin activity | LSTAR | |
UPRCTR | Origin Profit Center | PRCTR | |
UMATNR | Origin Material Number | MATNR | |
VARC_UACCT | Origin G/L Account of a Variance | SAKNR | |
VGBEL | Document number of the reference document | VBELN | |
VGPOS | Item number of the reference item | POSNR | |
ANLKL | Asset Class | ANLKL | |
KTOGR | Account Determination | KTOGR | |
PANL1 | Main Number Partner Asset (Transfer) | ANLN1 | |
PANL2 | Partner Asset Subnumber (Transfer) | ANLN2 | |
ARBID | Object ID of the resource | CR_OBJID | |
BTTYPE | Business Transaction Category | FINS_BTTYPE | |
CBTTYPE | Business Transaction Type | FINS_CUSTBTTYPE | |
TRAVEL_REQ | Reference to travel request | AWREF | |
TRAVEL_REQ_ITEM | Reference to travel request item | | |
COCO_NUM | Condition Contract | WCB_COCO_NUM | |
PROJ_LEDGER | Ledger in General Ledger Accounting | FINS_LEDGER | |
TRAVA_PN | Transfer Variant for Intercompany Asset Transfers | TRANSVAR | |
ANLN2_PN | Asset Subnumber | ANLN2 | |
BWASL_PN | Asset Transaction Type | BWASL | |
PROZS_PN | Asset Retirement: Percentage Rate | PRZ32 | |
TRANSACTION_UUID | 16 Byte UUID in 16 Bytes (Raw Format) | SYSUUID_X16 | |
BDGT_ACCOUNT | Budget Account | SAKNR | |
BDGT_ACCOUNT_COCODE | Budget Account Company Code | BUKRS | |
BDGT_CNSMPN_PERIOD | CC Fiscal Period for Budget Consumption Date | POPER | |
BDGT_CNSMPN_YEAR | CC Fiscal Year for Budget Consumption Date | GJAHR | |
BDGT_CNSMPN_TYPE | Budget Consumption Type | PSM_BDGT_CNSMPN_TYPE | |
RBDGT_VLDTY_NBR | Budget Validity Number | GM_BDGT_VLDTY_NBR | |
ORGL_CHANGE | Organizational Change | FINOC_ORGL_CHANGE | |
ACDOC_EEW_DUMMY | Custom Fields: Dummy for Use in Extension Includes | | |
FMXDOCNR | FM Reference Document Number | BELNR | |
FMXYEAR | FM Reference Year | GJAHR | |
FMXDOCLN | FM Reference Line Item | NUMC6 | |
FMXZEKKN | FM Reference Sequence Account Assignment | NUMC5 | |
HIST_TAX_FACTOR | Historical Factor for calculating Tax Amount | | |
T2CCODE_CRCY_CONV_FACTOR | Factor for calculating Amount in company code currency | FINS_T2ANY_CRCY_CONV_FACTOR | |
T2CNTRY_CRCY_CONV_FACTOR | Factor for calculating Tax Amount in reporting currency | FINS_T2ANY_CRCY_CONV_FACTOR | |
TAX_COUNTRY | Country/Region Key | LAND1 | |