CO-PA Distribution: Line Item Reference for Distribution | #other | Component: Profitability Analysis
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
BELNR Document number of line item in Profitability Analysis
POSNR Item no. of CO-PA line item
PAOBJNR Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA)
ERKRS Operating concern
PLIKZ Plan/Actual Indicator Show values
PALEDGER Currency type for an operating concern
VRGAR Record Type
VERSI Plan version (CO-PA)
PERIO Period/Year
ALTPERIO Period/year in alternative period type
PASUBNR Profitability Segment Changes (CO-PA)
LFDNR Sequence Number
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
PLIKZ Plan/Actual Indicator Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
OPAOBJNR Number for profitability segments in original system (CO-PA) RKEOBJNR
OPASUBNR Change history for CO-PA prof. segments in org. system RKESUBNR
OBELNR Document number of CO-PA line item in the original system BELNR
OPOSNR Item number of the CO-PA line item in the original system RKE_POSNR