Global Performance Analysis: Other Statistics Data | #other | Component: Transaction ST30: Tool for Automated Performance Tests
Column Name Description
PROCGUID Log GUID for Performance Analysis
COMPONENT N3 Workload: Name/ID of Statistics Component
COMPTYPE N3 Workload: Type of Statistics Component
LFNUM Global Performance Analysis: Sequence Number
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
TEXT N3 Workload: Name of Service Type TEXT20
LONGTEXT N3 Workload: Description of Service Type TEXT128
STEPCNT N3 Workload: Number of Steps SAPWLP15
LUWCNT N3 Workload: Number of Transactions SAPWLP15
RESPTI N3 Workload: Total Response Time (s) SAPWLTIME0
RESPTIMT N3 Workload: Average Response Time per Step (ms) SAPWLTIME1
RESPTIMTA N3 Workload: Average Response Time per Transaction (ms) SAPWLTIME1
CPUTI N3 Workload: CPU Time (s) SAPWLTIME1
CPUTIMT N3 Workload: Average CPU Time per Step (ms) SAPWLTIME1
CPUTIMTA N3 Workload: Average CPU Time per Transaction (ms) SAPWLTIME1
QUEUETI N3 Workload: Total Wait Time on a Resource (s) SAPWLTIME1
QUEUETIMT N3 Workload: Average Wait Time per Step (ms) SAPWLTIME1
QUEUETIMTA N3 Workload: Average Wait Time per Transaction (ms) SAPWLTIME1
WAITTI N3 Workload: Total Call Time for External Components (s) SAPWLTIME0
WAITTIMT N3 Workload: Average Call Time per Step (ms) SAPWLTIME1
WAITTIMTA N3 Wokload: Average Call Time per Transaction (ms) SAPWLTIME1
LOADTI N3 Workload: Total Load Time (s) SAPWLTIME1
LOADTIMT N3 Workload: Average Load Time per Step (ms) SAPWLTIME1
LOADTIMTA N3 Workload: Average Load Time per Transaction (ms) SAPWLTIME1
GENTI N3 Workload: Total Time for Generation Processes (s) SAPWLTIME1
GENTIMT N3 Workload: Average Generation Time per Step (ms) SAPWLTIME1
GENTIMTA N3 Workload: Average Generation Time per Transaction (ms) SAPWLTIME1
NETTI N3 Workload: Total Network Time (s) SAPWLTIME1
NETTIMT N3 Workload: Average Network Time per Step (ms) SAPWLTIME1
NETTIMTA N3 Workload: Average Network Time per Transaction (ms) SAPWLTIME1
MAXMEM N3 Workload: Maximum Memory Usage (KB) SAPWLTIME1
SERVICE N3 Workload: Number of Service Type INT2