Data specific for a period in the Accrual Engine | #masterdata | Component: Accrual Engine
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
COMP Accrual Engine Application Component
BUKRS Company Code
OBJID Accrual Object (Internal Display in Form of a GUID)
SUBID Accrual Subobject (Internal Display, Sequence Number)
ACRTYPE Accrual Type
ACCRULE Accounting Principle
PERIOD_END_DATE Last day of period in Accrual Engine
Column Name Description
💲 Currency of Accrual Item (UPLOADED_ACCR_AMNT_CUKEY):
UPLOADED_ACCR_AMNT Uploaded Accrual Amount
💲 Currency of Accrual Item (PROPOSED_ACCR_AMNT_CUKEY):
PROPOSED_ACCR_AMNT Proposed Accrual Amount
💲 Currency of Accrual Item (ACCRUAL_AMOUNT_CUKEY):
ACCRUAL_AMOUNT Current Accrual Amount
💲 Currency of Accrual Item (REVWD_APPRVD_AMOUNT_CUKEY):
REVWD_APPRVD_AMOUNT Reviewed or Approved Accrual Amount
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
PERIOD_END_DATE Last day of period in Accrual Engine
PERIOD_START_DATE First day of period in Accrual Engine
PROPOSED_ON Day on which the accrual amount was proposed
PROPOSED_AT Time at which the accrual amount was proposed
ADJUSTED_ON Day on which the period amount was adjusted
ADJUSTED_AT Time at which the period amount was adjusted
REVIEWED_ON Day on which the period amount was reviewed
REVIEWED_AT Time at which the period amount was reviewed
APPROVED_ON Day on which the period amount was approved
APPROVED_AT Time at which the period amount was approved
Column Name Description
REVIEW_STATUS Review Status Show values
REVIEW_TYPE Review Type Show values
APPROVAL_STATUS Approval Status Show values
APPROVAL_TYPE Approval Type Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
PROPOSED_BY Name of the user who has proposed the accrual amount UNAME
ADJUSTED_BY Name of the user who has adjusted the period amount UNAME
REVIEWED_BY Name of the user who has reviewed the period amount UNAME
APPROVED_BY Name of the user who has approved the accrual amount UNAME