Input Data: Pallets (Vehicle Space Optimization) | #transactional | Component: Main Process
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
TKNUM Shipment Number (Vehicle Space Optimization)
MATNR_PAL Material Number of a Packaging material (PKM) in VSO
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
FORK_DIR Pick Packaging Materials only Lengthwise (VSO) Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
PALLET_TEXT Material Short Text (Vehicle Space Optimization) /VSO/M_VSO_TEXT40
PAL_LEN Length of a Packaging Material (VSO) /VSO/M_CHAR_MENG13
PAL_WID Width of a Packaging Material (VSO) /VSO/M_CHAR_MENG13
PAL_HGT Height of a Packaging Material (VSO) /VSO/M_CHAR_MENG13
PAL_TAR_WGT Tare Weight of the Packaging Material (VSO) /VSO/M_CHAR_MENG13
PAL_TOT_WGT Allowed Total Weight of a Packaging Material (Gross) in VSO /VSO/M_CHAR_MENG13
PAL_OVR_L Allowed Overhang (Depth) for Packaging Material (VSO) /VSO/M_CHAR_MENG13
PAL_OVR_W Allowed Overhang (Width) for Packaging Material (VSO) /VSO/M_CHAR_MENG13
PAL_BIN_HT Maximum Stacking Height of the Packaging Material (VSO) /VSO/M_CHAR_MENG13
PAL_MIN_HT Minimum Stacking Height of a Packaging Material (VSO) /VSO/M_CHAR_MENG13
PAL_TOL_BIN_HT Tolerance to Exceed the Max. Stacking Height (VSO) /VSO/M_CHAR_MENG13
ANZ_PER_GVH Number of Materials for each Closed PKM (VSO) /VSO/M_ANZ_PER_GVH
PKTYP Package Type (Vehicle Space Optimization) /VSO/M_PKTYP
COUNTER 4 Byte Signed Integer INT4