Comp. Revenue carrying the period | #transactional | Component: Tax Management Framework Brazil
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
EMPRESA Company Code
DT_LANCTO Posting Date
NUM_LANCTO Posting Number
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
VL_REC Total amount of revenue received, on the combination of CST /TMF/DD_VALOR
IND_REC Indicator of composition of income received in the period CHAR2
CNPJ_CPF Individual (CPF) or Legal Person (CNPJ) Identification /TMF/DD_CPF_CNPJ
NUM_DOC Credit title number or tax document CHAR60
VL_REC_DET Total amount of revenue received, on the combination of CST /TMF/DD_VALOR
CST_PIS Tax Situation Code related to PIS/PASEP CHAR2
CST_COFINS Tax Situation Code related to COFINS /TMF/DD_CST_COFINS
INFO_COMPL Additional Information /TMF/DD_INFO_COMPL
COD_CTA Credit Source Indicator /TMF/DD_COD_CTA1