Other information | #transactional | Component: Tax Management Framework Brazil
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
EMPRESA Company Code
DT_LANCTO Posting Date
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
IND_ALTER_CAPITAL Capital Variation - Law 11.774/2008 Show values
IND_BCN_CSLL Asset Bookkeeping - Negative Calculation Basis of CSLL Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
VL_AQ_MAQ Acquisition of Machines, Devices, Instrum. and New Equipment /TMF/DD_VALOR
VL_DOA_CRIANCA Donation to the Fund for Children's and Adolescents' Rights /TMF/DD_VALOR
VL_DOA_IDOSO Donation to the Nation. Region. or Munic. Funds for Elderly /TMF/DD_VALOR
VL_AQ_IMOBILIZADO Acquisitions for Permanent Assets /TMF/DD_VALOR
VL_BX_IMOBILIZADO Retirement of Permanent Asset /TMF/DD_VALOR
VL_INC_INI Assets Subject to Law 11.051/2004 Incentive-Start of Period /TMF/DD_VALOR
VL_INC_FIN Assets Subject to Law 11.051/2004 Incentive - End of Period /TMF/DD_VALOR
VL_CSLL_DEPREC_INI Balance of CSLL Credit over Depreciation - Start of Period /TMF/DD_VALOR
VL_OC_SEM_IOF Value of Exchange Operations with IOF Exemption /TMF/DD_VALOR
VL_FOLHA_ALIQ_RED Payroll Total Value Subj. to Reduc. Aliquot -Law 11.774/2008 /TMF/DD_VALOR
VL_ALIQ_RED Reduced Aliquot - Law 11.774/2008 /TMF/DD_VALOR