D&B Interface: Other GDP Products - Persistence | #masterdata | Component: Supplier Data Management
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
REQUEST UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss)
PRODUCT Type of the DNB Report
DUNS Unique D&B identifier for this company
Column Name Description
💲 Default currency code for figures in report code. (CRCY_CD):
ACT_PAY Am. of merch. purch. on credit and not paid for by the bal.
ACT_REC Amount of sales made and billed to customers on credit terms
AVG_HIGH_CR Average of all high credit payment experiences
CASH_LIQ_ASET Amount of cash on hand and in banks and other liquid assets.
COST_OF_SLS Cost Of Goods Sold (Cost Of Goods Sold for Manufacturers)
DIVD Dividends paid to shareholders
FIXD_ASET Am. of property owned by a business that has a life > 1 year
GROS_INCM Am. left over after deduc. the Cost of Gds. sold from n.sale
HIGH_CR Maximum credit of any payment experience
ITNG_ASET Total of intangible assets.
LT_DBT Long Term Debt owed by business.
NET_INCM Amount left over after all expenses and taxes are deducted.
PREV_NET_WRTH Previous Net Worth minus intangibles
PREV_SLS Net sales for previous period
PREV_WRKG_CAPL Previous Working Capital (Current Assets minus Current Liab)
RETN_ERNG Retained earnings
SLS Net sales for the period after returns
STK Includes merchandise on hand, ready to be sold
TANG_NET_WRTH Net worth minus intangibles
TOT_ASET Total amount of current and long-term assets
TOT_CURR_ASET Total amount of all current (< 1 year) assets
TOT_CURR_LIAB Total amount of all current (< 1 year) liabilities
TOT_LIAB Total liabilities owed by business
TOT_LIAB_AND_EQY Total amount of Liabilities and Equity
TOT_LT_LIAB Total long term liabilities owed by business
TOT_PMT Total number of payment experiences
PFT_BEF_TAX Net Income/Profit before taxes
💲 Currency code for annual sales if different than default. (ANN_SALE_CRCY_CD):
ANN_SALE_VOL Annual sales generated by the business
💲 Currency code for capital amount if different than default (CAPL_CRCY_CD):
CAPL_AMT Amount of capital which has been issued
💲 Currency code for value (FLNG_CRCY_CD):
FLNG_VAL Value of open filings
💲 Currency Code for credit recom. amount if different than def (MAX_CR_CRCY_CD):
MAX_CR Maximum amount of credit recommended
💲 Currency code for tangible net worth if different than defau (TANG_NET_WRTH_CRCY_CD):
NET_WRTH Total am. of Equity (Net Worth) Includes capital stock etc.
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
INCM_STMT_DT Date of Income/Profit and Loss Statement
STMT_DT Date of current financial statement
STMT_FROM_DT Starting Date of Profit and Loss Statement
STMT_TO_DT Ending Date or Profit and Loss Statement
DBAR_DT The date of the last current debarment filing
Column Name Description
BR_IND Indicates whether subject is a branch location Show values
ADR_TENR_TYPE_CD Ind. wheth. premises at physical address are owned or rented Show values
ANN_SALE_CONS_IND Qualifies annual sales volume Show values
ANN_SALE_ESTD_IND Qualifies annual sales volume Show values
AUDT_IND Indicates type of financial statement Show values
AUDT_QLFN_IND Describes financial statement Show values
BUS_REGN_NBR_TYPE_CD Code repres. main business ident. number used in the ctry/rg Show values
BUS_STRU Indicates whether subject is a parent or subsidiary location Show values
CAPL_TYPE_CD Type of capital Show values
CLM_IND Indic. wheth. open, legal claims, lien(s), prot.bill(s) Show values
CONS_IND Indicates whether statement is consolidated or not. Show values
CRIM_IND Indicates whether criminal proceedings exist Show values
DSR Indicator signifying company is a D-U-N-S® Support Record Show values
DSTR_IND Ind. wheth. special events available concerning disasters Show values
EMPL_AT_PRIM_ADR_ESTD_IND Qualifies calculation of employees here (estimated) Show values
EMPL_AT_PRIM_ADR_MIN_IND Qualifies calculation of employees here (minimum) Show values
ESTD_IND Indicates type of financial statement Show values
EXPT_IND Indicates whether exports or not Show values
FCST_IND Describes financial statement Show values
FINL_EMBT_IND Ind. whet. open bankruptcy, receivership liquid. or equiv. Show values
FINL_LGL_EVNT_IND Ind. whet. special events available including fin.emb. leg.f Show values
FISC_IND Describes financial statement Show values
FNAL_IND Describes financial statement Show values
HIST_IND Code indicating whether detrimental information exists Show values
IMPT_IND Indicates whether imports or not Show values
LCL_ACTV_CD_TYPE Activity Classification Code type identifier Show values
LOCN_STAT Ind. whet. subject is a headquarters, branch or single loc. Show values
OPEN_IND Describes financial statement Show values
OPRG_SPEC_EVNT_IND Ind. whet. special events available concerning change to op Show values
OTHR_SPEC_EVNT_IND Ind. whet. special events available not otherwise specified Show values
OUT_BUS_IND Indicator signifying company is out of business Show values
PRO_FRMA_IND Indicates that the financial statement figures are pro forma Show values
REGN_TYPE Type of registration (for example, non-profit) Show values
REST_IND Indicates figures resubmitted after corrections to original Show values
SCRD_FLNG_IND Indicates whether open secured filings exist for a business Show values
SD_IND Ind. company record is on Stop Distribution stat in D&B DB Show values
SGND_IND Indicates if figures are signed by principals Show values
STAT Indicator containing in date status Show values
SUIT_JDGT_IND Indicates open suits, judgment, petitions or payment remarks Show values
TANG_NET_WRTH_ESTD_IND Code indicating reliability of Tangible Net Worth figure Show values
TOT_EMPL_ESTD_IND Indicator of reliability of total no. of employees Show values
TOT_EMPL_IND Qualifies calculation of total employees - indicator Show values
TOT_EMPL_MIN_IND Indicates range of total employees figure (min/max/average) Show values
TRL_BAL_IND Describes financial statement - trial balance Indicator Show values
UBAL_IND Describes financial statement - Unbalanced Indicator Show values
LBR_SPLS_AREA_IND Ind. of labour surplus area as def. by the Dept. of Labour Show values
SML_BUS_IND Subject has been classified as a small business by SBA Show values
WOMN_OWND_IND Indicator that business is woman-owned Show values
MINY_OWND_IND Indicator that business is minority-owned Show values
DAVD_IND Indic. small bus. class. by SBA as socially or econ. disadv. Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
SRVRTID D&B Server transaction identifier
CACHE_IND Indicator if the report is retrieved from the D&B archive
PRD_DT Original Request Date of the cached D&B report
DUNS_NBR Unique D&B identifier for this company
PRIM_NME The primary name of the business
POST_TOWN Postal town where the business is located
PRIM_GEO_AREA Main sub-entity within the ctry/reg, such as state, province
POST_CODE The country/region-specific post code
CTRY_CD The 2-character ISO code for the country/region
ACTIVITY_TEXT Summary Primary Line Of Business
ADDL_SIC Standard Industrial Classification
ANN_SALE_VOL_TEXT Ann. sales gen. by the bus. when can not be mapped to num.
ASET Describes items of value which are held, owned or managed by
BUS_REGN_NBR Prim. bus. ident. number assigned by a gov. agency
CEO_NME Name of the primary executive in the company
CEO_TITL Free form title of primary executive
CR_IND Indicates credit recommendation when no amount available
CR_SCR Indicates the risk of delinquent payments.
CURR_CNTL_YR Year current control was assumed
CURR_RATO Current Assets divided by Current Liabilities
DBTR_IN_POSN_IND Indicates whether debtor is in possession of company
CR_SCR_CLAS Score class description
DNB_RATG Rating assigned by D&B®
DOM_ULT_CTRY_CD Country/Region where business located
DOM_ULT_PNT_DUNS DUNS Nr. of ultimate parent company within the same county
DOM_ULT_PNT_NME Name of the ultimate parent company within the same ctry/reg
EMPL_AT_PRIM_ADR_TEXT Nr of pers. employed by business at the referenced loc. text
FAIL_SCR For US the value rep. the Fail. Risk (Financial Stress) 1-5
FAIL_SCR_12_MO_AGO Failure Risk Score calculated 12 months prior
FAIL_SCR_6_MO_AGO Failure Risk Score as it was calculated 6 prior
FAIL_SCR_IND_PCTG Industry percentile reflects the relative ranking of a comp.
FAIL_SCR_NATL_PCTG National 1-100 score reflects the relative ranking of a comp
FAIL_SCR_OVRD_CD Europe: ind. the reason for var. betw. D&B and Failure nat. /SRMSMC/DNB_FAIL_SCR_OVRD_CD
FAX_NBR Main facsimile number of business
FLNG_NBR Number of filings in category
FLNG_TYPE Type of Filing Category eg suit, claim, Judgement, prot.bill
GBL_ULT_CTRY_CD Country/Region where business located
GBL_ULT_PNT_DUNS DUNS Number of the ultimate parent company of business
GBL_ULT_PNT_NME Name of the ultimate parent company of business.
SER_RAT Supplier Evaluation Risk Rating
HQ_CTRY_CD Country/Region where business located
HQ_DUNS DUNS Number of Headquarters location.
HQ_NME Name of Headquarters
INCN_YR Year business incorporated
INTL_DLNG_CD International dialing code for country/region
LCL_ACTV_CD Local Activity Classification Code
LGL_FORM Legal structure as registered with governmental authorities /SRMSMC/DNB_LGL_FORM
NBR_NEG_PMT Number of negative payment experiences
NON_POST_TOWN Non-postal town
PAYD_3_MO_AGO D&B PAYDEX® Score 3 months ago
PAYD_NORM Industry D&B PAYDEX® score median or average
PAYD_SCR D&B PAYDEX Score for last 12 months experiences
PNT_CTRY_CD Country/Region where business is located
PNT_DUNS DUNS Number of immediate parent company of the subject bus.
PNT_NME Name of immediate parent comp. (comp. owning more than 50%)
PREV_STMT_DT Date of previous financial statement
PRIM_SIC Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code
PRIM_SIC_TYPE_CD Version of Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
QK_RATO Cash plus Accounts Receivable divided by Current Liabilities
SCDY_GEO_AREA County (or equivalent) where business located Second level
STMT_CRCY_CD Currency code of financial statement if different than defau
STRT_YR Year business actually started
TANG_NET_WRTH_TEXT Net worth minus intangibles - text field
TLCM_NBR The main telephone number of the business
TOT_EMPL Total number of personnel employed by business
TOT_EMPL_TEXT Total number of personnel employed by business (Text)
ADDL_SIC_DESC Standard Industrial Classification
ENQ_DUNS Id of case enq. upon, will be the same as DUNS unless branch
PRIN_NME The name of an individual listed in a business registration
PRIN_TTL Names and job titles of principal executives of case subject
CNGL_DIST_CD A US gov. number repr. the congressional district number
HDG Head of the D&B Section
BODY Body of the D&B Section
LBR_SPLS_AREA_YR The last year D&B rec. data ind. the area had lab. surplus
SML_BUS_YR Last year that D&B rec. data ind. the bus. was a small bus.
WOMN_OWND_YR The last year that D&B rec. data ind. the bus. was wom. own.
MINY_OWND_YR The last year that D&B rec. data ind. the bus. was min.owned
DBAR_CNT A count of the debarments present in the D&B® file
DAVD_YR The last year that D&B rec. data ind. the bus. small&disa.
BKCY_OPEN_CNT Bankruptcy Creditor Open Count
BKCY_CLSD_CNT Bankruptcy Creditor Closed Count
BKCY_OPEN_MSG Bankruptcy Creditor Open Message
SLON_CMNT Bankruptcy Creditor Closed Message