D&B Interface: Lookup - Persistence | #masterdata | Component: Supplier Data Management
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
DUNS Unique D&B identifier for this company
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
BR_IND Indicates whether subject is a branch location Show values
DSR Indicator signifying company is a D-U-N-SĀ® Support Record Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
REQUEST UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) TZNTSTMPS
ADR_LINE Address line of physical location
CONF_CD Confidence code for the matches obtained
CTRY_CD The 2-character ISO code for the country/region
DUNS_NBR Unique D&B identifier for this company
IN_DT_IND An indicator
MTCH_GRD A sequence of match grades for inputs
NME Business name or principal name from inquiry request
NME_PCT_GRD The percentage of match for the Name in the request
NON_POST_TOWN Non-postal town
NON_POST_TWN_PCT_GRD The percentage of match for the City in the request
PRIM_GEO_AREA Main sub-entity within the ctry/reg, such as state, province
POST_CODE The country/region-specific post code
POST_TOWN Postal town where the business is located
PO_BOX_PCT_GRD The percentage of match for the PO Box in the request
PRIM_GEO_AREA_NBR_PCT_GRD The percentage match of the main sub-entity in the ctry/reg
PROB_OF_ACCR The field that reflects the overall quality of the match
STR_NBR_PCT_GRD The percentage of match for the Street Number in the request
STR_NME_PCT_GRD The percentage of match for the Street Name in the request
SBRI_UMTC_AGN Gen. number from the Small Business Risk Insight database
TLCM_NBR The main telephone number of the business
TLCM_PCT_GRD The percentage of match for the telephone
TRDG_STYL Trade styles used by business