- Accounting - General (AC)
- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Business intelligence solutions (BI)
- Collaborative Cross Applications (XAP)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Customer Service (CS)
- Discrete Industries (DI)
- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
- Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
- Environment, Health, and Safety / Product Compliance (EHS)
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- Financial Services (FS)
- Financials (FIN)
- Global Trade Services (SLL)
- Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
- Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) (ICM)
- Investment Management (IM)
- Knowledge Management (KM)
- LOD Components (LOD)
- Logistics - General (LO)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- Materials Management (MM)
- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
- Occasional Platform User (OPU)
- Payroll (PY)
- Personnel Management (PA)
- Personnel Time Management (PT)
- Plant Maintenance (PM)
- Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
- Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
- Production Planning and Control (PP)
- Project System (PS)
- Public Sector Management (PSM)
- Purchasing SAP Cloud (PUR)
- Quality Management (QM)
- Real Estate Management (RE)
- SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
- SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management (MDM)
- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
- Sales and Distribution (SD)
- Service (SV)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Sustainability management (SUS)
- Training and Event Management (PE)
- Transportation Management (TM)
- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
Inbound transaction: Header Info
Component: Mobile integration foundation
- 🔑 Keys (2)
- 💰 Amounts
- ∑ Quantities
- 📅 Dates
- ☰ Categorical (11)
- Other (48)
- 🔗 Relations
Column Name | Description | |
MANDT | Client | |
TRANSACTION_GUID | Inbound Queue: Transaction GUID |
Column Name | Description |
Column Name | Description |
Column Name | Description |
Column Name | Description | |
FLAG_REQ_KEYMAP | Boolean Type: 'X' == True '' == False | Show values |
FLAG_LOCAL_KEY | Boolean Type: 'X' == True '' == False | Show values |
FLAG_LOCAL_ITEM | Boolean Type: 'X' == True '' == False | Show values |
FLAG_REQ_REVIEW | Boolean Type: 'X' == True '' == False | Show values |
REQ_PROC_MODE | Inbound queue: Processing Mode | Show values |
REQ_TYPE | Inbound Transaction: Requesting Type | Show values |
REQ_DO_MTHD_TYPE | Mobile Data Object Handler Method Type | Show values |
TRANSACTION_TYPE | Inbound Transaction: Transaction Type | Show values |
TRANS_MERGE_MODE | Inbound Queue: Transaction Merge Mode | Show values |
FLAG_INIT_LOAD | Boolean Type: 'X' == True '' == False | Show values |
REASON_CODE | Inbound Queue: Check-In Reason Code | Show values |
Column Name | Description | Domain name | |
RECORD_ID | Record Id | ||
OBJECT_TYPE | Inbound queue: Object Type | /SMFND/IBQ_OBJECT_TYPE | |
OBJECT_KEY | Inbound queue: Object Key | /SMFND/IBQ_OBJECT_KEY | |
OBJECT_GROUP | Inbound Transaction - Object Group | /SMFND/IBQ_OBJECT_GROUP | |
OBJECT_GROUP_1 | Inbound Transaction - Object Group | /SMFND/IBQ_OBJECT_GROUP | |
OBJECT_ID | Inbound Transaction: Object Id | /SMFND/IBQ_OBJECT_ID | |
EXT_TRANS_ID | External Transaction Identifier | /SMFND/IBQ_EXT_TRANS_ID | |
DEP_OBJECT_TYPE | Inbound queue: Dependent Object Type | /SMFND/IBQ_OBJECT_TYPE | |
DEP_OBJECT_KEY | Inbound queue: Dependent Object Key | /SMFND/IBQ_OBJECT_KEY | |
DEP_TRANS_ID | External Transaction Identifier | /SMFND/IBQ_EXT_TRANS_ID | |
DEP_TRANS_GUID | Inbound Queue: Transaction GUID | SYSUUID_C | |
DEP_OBJECT_ID | Inbound Transaction: Object Id | /SMFND/IBQ_OBJECT_ID | |
OBJTYP_REF | Inbound Transaction: Reference Object Type | /SMFND/IBQ_OBJECT_TYPE | |
OBJKEY_REF | Inbound Transaction: Reference Object Key | CHAR100 | |
OBJECT_ID_REF | Inbound Transaction: Reference Object Id | /SMFND/IBQ_OBJECT_ID | |
REQ_USER_ID | User Name | UNAME | |
TRANSACTION_TIME | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
TIME_ZONE | System Time Zone | TZNZONE | |
MOBILE_APP | Mobile Application Name | /SYCLO/CORE_MOBILE_APP | |
LOGSYS | Logical system | LOGSYS | |
REQ_OBJECT | Inbound Transaction: Requesting Object | /SMFND/IBQ_TRANS_REQ_OBJ | |
REQ_OBJECT_MTHD | Inbound transaction: Requesting Object Method | /SMFND/IBQ_TRANS_REQ_OBJ_MTHD | |
REQ_DO_ID | Syclo Mobile Data Object ID | /SYCLO/CORE_DO_ID | |
REF_ATTR_1 | Inbound Transaction Request: Reference Attribute | /SMFND/IBQ_REFERENCE_ATTR | |
REF_ATTR_2 | Inbound Transaction Request: Reference Attribute | /SMFND/IBQ_REFERENCE_ATTR | |
TRANSACTION_GRP | Inbound transaction group | /SMFND/IBQ_TRANSACTION_GROUP | |
SYS_COMP | Syclo System Component | CHAR30 | |
INSTANCE_GUID | Push scenario instance GUID | SYSUUID_C | |
ITEM_GUID | Push instance item GUID | SYSUUID_C | |
MESSAGE_GUID | Syclo message GUID | SYSUUID_C | |
REQ_LANGU | Language Key | SPRAS | |
TRANS_STATUS | Inbound Transaction Queue: Transaction Status | ||
EXPIRATION_TS | Expiration Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
PROCESS_TS | Processed Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
COMPLETE_TS | Completion Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
CANCEL_TS | Cancelled Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
CHECK_OUT_TS | Check Out Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
DATA_EDIT_TS | Data Edit Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
ERROR_TS | Error Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
IBQ_QUEUE_ID | Inbound Queue Id | /SMFND/IBQ_QUEUE_ID | |
CHECK_OUT_USER | User Name | UNAME | |
CHECK_IN_MESSAGE | Inbound Queue: Check In Message | /SMFND/IBQ_CHECK_IN_MESSAGE | |
CREATED_BY | Created by | USNAM | |
CREATED_TS | Creation timestamp | TZNTSTMPS | |
CHANGED_BY | Last Changed By | USNAM | |
CHANGED_TS | Changed time stamp | TZNTSTMPS |