- Accounting - General (AC)
- Application Platform (AP)
- Basis Components (BC)
- Business Mobile (MOB)
- Business Network Solutions (BNS)
- Business intelligence solutions (BI)
- Collaborative Cross Applications (XAP)
- Controlling (CO)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Cross-Application Components (CA)
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Customer Service (CS)
- Discrete Industries (DI)
- Enterprise Contract Management (CM)
- Enterprise Controlling (EC)
- Enterprise Performance Management (EPM)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise Portal (EP)
- Enterprise information management solutions (EIM)
- Environment, Health, and Safety / Product Compliance (EHS)
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- Financial Services (FS)
- Business Partner (FS-BP)
- Claims Management (FS-CM)
- Collateral Management System (FS-CMS)
- Collections/Disbursements (FS-CD)
- Loans Management (FS-CML)
- Policy Management (FS-PM)
- Regulatory reporting for insurance companies (FS-SR)
- SAP Policy Management for Auto Insurance (FS-PMA)
- Value Adjustment (FS-RBD)
- msg.PM Connection (FS-MPM)
- Financials (FIN)
- Global Trade Services (SLL)
- Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)
- Incentive and Commission Management (ICM) (ICM)
- Investment Management (IM)
- Knowledge Management (KM)
- LOD Components (LOD)
- Logistics - General (LO)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- Materials Management (MM)
- Obsolete Product: mySAP.com Workplace (WP)
- Occasional Platform User (OPU)
- Payroll (PY)
- Personnel Management (PA)
- Personnel Time Management (PT)
- Plant Maintenance (PM)
- Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
- Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
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- Public Sector Management (PSM)
- Purchasing SAP Cloud (PUR)
- Quality Management (QM)
- Real Estate Management (RE)
- SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
- SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management (MDM)
- SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLC)
- Sales and Distribution (SD)
- Service (SV)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- Sustainability management (SUS)
- Training and Event Management (PE)
- Transportation Management (TM)
- Treasury (TR)
- Web Channel (WEC)
Model Calculation
Component: Policy Management
- 🔑 Keys (8)
- 💰 Amounts (58)
- ∑ Quantities
- 📅 Dates (2)
- ☰ Categorical (12)
- Other (23)
- 🔗 Relations
Column Name | Description | |
CLIENT | Client | |
POLICY_ID | Policy, Application or Change Option Key | |
POLICYPRODUCT_ID | Contract Key | |
JOURNALENDNO_ID | Termination Journal No. | Show values |
JOURNALNO_ID | Journal Number | Show values |
COVPAC_ID | Coverage Package ID | |
COVERAGE_ID | Coverage Key | |
PROJEC_ID | Model Calculation ID |
Column Name | Description | |
AMOFPOSSLOAN_AM | Available Loan Amount | |
AMAFTERTAX_AM | Total Benefit After Taxes | |
DEATHBNFGAR_AM | Guaranteed Death Benefit | |
DEATHBNFDIV_AM | Death Benefit with Dividends | |
ENDOWGARANT_AM | Endowment Benefit Guaranteed | |
SURVALGUARANT_AM | Guaranteed Surrender Value | |
SURVALSURPL_AM | Surrender Value Dividend | |
PREMEXANNUIT_AM | Annuity Exempt from Premiums | |
DEATHBNFPREEX_AM | Premium-Exempt Death Benefit | |
ENDOWPREEX_AM | Premium-Exempt Endowment Benefit | |
PREMIUM_AM | Premium Total | |
DEATHBENBON_AM | Death Benefit from Bonus | |
ENDOWMENTBON_AM | Endowment Benefit from Bonus | |
FINALSURPLUS_AM | Final Dividend | |
BNFSURPRUN_AM | Yearly Annuity from Dividend | |
BNFPOLPRODRUN_AM | Guaranteed Yearly Annuity | |
MONYCOMPGAR_AM | Monetary Compensation Guaranteed | |
MONYCOMPSURP_AM | Monetary Compensation with Dividend | |
PARTPAYGAR_AM | Partial Payment Guaranteed | |
PARTPAYGARSUM_AM | Partial Payment Total Guaranteed | |
PARTPAYSURP_AM | Partial Payment with Dividend | |
PARTPAYSURPSU_AM | Total for Partial Payments with Dividend | |
YEARANNUISURP_AM | Total Yearly Annuity with Dividends | |
BONUSBNFMARR_AM | Bonus Benefit on Marriage | |
BONUSBNFRESER_AM | Bonus Benefit on Reserve | |
RESERVE_AM | Reserve | |
BNFBYMARRIAGE_AM | Benefit on Marriage | |
BNFBYMARRIGAR_AM | Benefit for Marriage Guaranteed | |
MATURBNFSURP_AM | Maturity Benefit with Dividends | |
BONUSBNFSURR_AM | Bonus Benefit Surrender | |
INTBEARACCUM_AM | Accumulated Interest | |
FINSURPLSURR_AM | Final Dividend Surrender | |
FINSURPLOCDIS_AM | Final Dividend Occupational Disability | |
FINSURPLDEATH_AM | Final Dividend Death | |
AMOFBNFPOLLOA_AM | Benefit Total Less Policy Loan | |
MAXLOAN_AM | Maximum Loan Amount | |
IMMEDPREMDISC_AM | Instant Premium Discount | |
BENDEATPERPRO_AM | Benefit Death Beneficiary | |
CURRENTBNF_AM | Calculated Current Values | |
ACTGUARANT_AM | Guaranteed Amount | |
PROJGUARANT_AM | Projected Guarantee Total | |
ACTOWNPREM_AM | Current Premium Total | |
PROJNETPREM_AM | Projected Premium Total | |
ACTGRANTSH_AM | Current Total for Subsidy Premiums | |
PROJGRANTSH_AM | Projected Total of Subsidy Premium | |
MINRISK_AM | Minimum Risk Amount | |
CANCDISC_AM | Reversal Deduction of a Coverage at a Processing Date | |
MINDEATHBNF_AM | Minimum Death Benefit | |
SIMLOAN_AM | Simulated Loan Amount | |
POSLOANAFTSIM_AM | Available Loan Amount After Simulation | |
RUNINTRATE_AM | Next Whole Interest Installment | |
NEWLOAN_AM | Total Loan Amount | |
FNDCREDIT_AM | Status of Fund Assets at End of Period | |
PREMAFTERTAX_AM | Premium After Tax | |
ANNPENSION_AM | Annual Annuity | |
PENSION_AM | Annuity According to Payment Frequency | |
SUMPAID_AM | Total of Paid Payment Premiums | |
FONDSSURPL_AM | Dividend from Funds |
Column Name | Description |
Column Name | Description | |
KEYDATETARGET_DT | Payout Date | |
PRMXMPTBEG_DT | Start of Premium Exemption |
Column Name | Description | |
JOURNALENDNO_ID | Termination Journal No. | Show values |
JOURNALNO_ID | Journal Number | Show values |
CANCEL_FG | Reversal Flag | Show values |
POLICYLOANDIS_FG | Replace Policy Loan | Show values |
CALCDYN_FG | Model Calculation with Adjustment | Show values |
INTERESCORRID_FG | Interest Corridor | Show values |
INTPAYFREQ_VL | Interest Payment Frequency | Show values |
EFFINTMETHOD_CD | Effective Interest Method (Financial Mathematics) | Show values |
INTRATEMETHOD_CD | Interest Calculation Method | Show values |
PAYFRQ_CD | Payment Frequency | Show values |
ANNUITYTYPE_ID | Anniversary for Model Calculation | Show values |
BO_CD | Business Object Checkbox | Show values |
Column Name | Description | Domain name | |
PPDPAC_ID | Product Package Key | /PM0/ABD_SK_ID | |
POLICYNR_TT | Policy Number | /PM0/ABD_POLICYNR_TT | |
APPLNR_TT | Contract Number | /PM0/ABD_POLPRNR_TT | |
APPLNR_CD | Application Number | /PM0/ABD_CHAR20 | |
ACTIVITY_ID | Activity Identifier | /PM0/3FJ_ACTIVITY_ID | |
YEARVIEW_ID | Interval for Result Display for Model Calculation | /PM0/ABD_NUMC2 | |
EXCSPREADRATE_VL | Interest Dividend Rate in Percent | /PM0/ABD_DEC14 | |
INTERESTRATE_VL | Invoice Interest Rate in Percent | /PM0/ABD_DEC14 | |
BASESURPLRATE_VL | Base Dividend Rate in Percent | /PM0/ABD_DEC14 | |
FINSURPLRATE_VL | Final Dividend Rate in Percent | /PM0/ABD_DEC14 | |
INSUREDPERS_ID | Inquiry Values Refer to Selected Person | /PM0/ABD_BP_ID | |
FORMCUROPTPES_ID | Current, Optimistic or Pessimistic Display | /PM0/ABD_NUMC1 | |
CALCULATPERS_ID | Calculation for Person | /PM0/ABD_NUMC1 | |
PM_ID | Elementary Product | /PM0/ABD_MODELPM_ID | |
EFFINTRATE_VL | Effective Interest Rate in Percent | /PM0/ABD_ACC_VL | |
SCEN_ID | Scenario ID | /PM0/ABD_NUMC5 | |
INTRATE_AGR_VL | Agreed Interest Rate in Percent | /PM0/ABD_ACC_VL | |
INTRATE_NOM_VL | Nominal Interest Rate in Percent | /PM0/ABD_ACC_VL | |
CAUSEOFLOSS_ID | Cause of Loss/Claim | /PM0/ABD_NUMC5 | |
CUSTOMER_PL_CI | Single-Character Flag | CHAR1 | |
CHANGE_TS | UTC Time Stamp of Last Change | TZNTSTMPL |