RBD Decision Template GCC | #template | Component: Value Adjustment
Column Name Description
MANDT Client
RBDNR RBD: Account Number
VERTV RBD: Contract Number Source System
Column Name Description
💲 RBD: Local Currency (CURRENCY):
OBLIGO RBD: Book Value for Srce System Contract in Contract Currncy
SUM_CF_ABGE RBD: Net Present Value of Expected Cash Flow (Val. Adj.)
SUM_SICH_AB RBD: NPV of Expected Collateral Revenues Value Adjustment
EWB_BEDARF RBD: Change Requirements Value Adjustment Current Period
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
PERC_CAF RBD: Percentage Expectation Used for Cash Flow DEC3_2
PERC_COL RBD: Recoverable Proportion of Collateral in Percent DEC3_2