Shipment: Header Data | #TRAN | Extraction method: F1 | Delta: ABR | Component: Sales and Distribution
Tables used: VTTKLIPSVTTSVBRPLIKP ... +187 more
Column Name Description
PARVW Partner Function
VSART Shipping Type
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
📏 Distance Unit of Measure (MEDST):
DISTZ Distance
📏 Unit of Weight for Transportation Planning (DTMEG):
KAPAGEW Capacity Weight/ Allowed Total Weight for Shipment
📏 Volume Unit for Transportation Planning (DTMEV):
KAPAVOL Capacity Volume/ Allowed Total Volume for Shipment
📏 Weight Unit (GEWEI):
MAX_BRGEW Gross weight
MAX_NTGEW Net weight
MIN_BRGEW Gross weight
MIN_NTGEW Net weight
SUM_BRGEW Gross weight
SUM_NTGEW Net weight
AVG_BRGEW Gross weight
AVG_NTGEW Net weight
📏 Volume unit (VOLEH):
Column Name Description
DALBG Current date for start of loading
DALEN Actual date for end of loading
DAREG Actual date of check-in
DATBG Current date for start of shipment
DATEN Actual Date for End of Shipment
DPABF Planned date for shipment completion
DPLBG Planned date for start of loading
DPLEN Planned date for end of loading
DPREG Planned date of check-in
DPTBG Planned date for start of shipment
DPTEN Planned date for end of shipment
DTABF Current date of shipment completion
DTDIS Date of end of planning
Column Name Description
ABFER Shipment completion type Show values
ABWST Processing control Show values
BFART Service Level Show values
LAUFK Leg Indicator Show values
ROCANCEL Indicator: Cancel Data Record Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
FAHZTD Planned duration of transportation (in hours:minutes) TSTRDURAN
FAHZTDA Actual time needed for transporation (in hours:minutes) TSTRDURAN
GESZTD Planned total time of transportation (in days) TSTRDURAG
GESZTDA Actual total time of shipment (in days) TSTRDURAG
ROUTE Shipment route ROUTE
SDABW Special Processing Indicator SDABW
SHTYP Shipment type SHTYP
TDLNR Number of forwarding agent LIFNR
TPLST Transportation planning point TPLST
KNOTA Departure Point KNOTN
KNOTZ Destination point KNOTN
KUNNA Departure point: Customer KUNNR
KUNNZ Customer number for destination point KUNNR
LIFNA Vendor number of departure point LIFNR
LIFNZ Vendor number of destination point LIFNR
LSTEL Point of departure: Loading point at shipping point LSTEL
LSTEZ Destination: Loading point at shipping point LSTEL
VSTEL Shipping point at point of departure VSTEL
VSTEZ Shipping point at destination VSTEL
WERKA Plant at point of departure WERKS
WERKZ Plant at destination point WERKS
NUMSTAGINSHP BW: Number of Stages in Shipment MCZAEHLER
NUMSHPWSTAG BW: Number of Shipments With Stages (=1) MCZAEHLER