REPOBJ | Element of Reporting Hierarchy | IM_REPOBJ | |
ROBEX | Element of Reporting Hierarchy (External Display) | IM_ROBEX | |
APPR_YEAR | Approval year of the investment program | GJAHR | |
PROG_DEF_S | Name of Program in BW (Abbreviated) | BIW_PRNAMS | |
PROG_DEF | Investment program name | IM_PRNAM | |
PROG_POS | Investment Program Position | IM_POSID | |
APPR_REQ | Appropriation Request Number (Formatted for Coding Mask) | IMA_POSID | |
WBS_ELEM | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_POSID | |
ORDER | Order Number | AUFNR | |
CONGR | Consolidation group | FC_CONGR | |
RCOMP | Company | RCOMP | |
BUKRS | Company Code | BUKRS | |
GSBER | Business Area | GSBER | |
PRCTR | Profit Center | PRCTR | |
AKOSTL | Requesting cost center | KOSTL | |
VKOSTL | Responsible cost center | KOSTL | |
FKBER | Functional Area | FKBER | |
ASPART | Requesting Division | SPART | |
AMATKL | Requesting material group | MATKL | |
WERKS | Plant | WERKS | |
STORT | Planned location of appropriation request | AP_STAND | |
BEBER | Plant Section | BEBER | |
TPLNR | Functional location | TPLNR | |
LAND1 | Country/Region for Planned Request | LAND1 | |
VERNR | Person responsible | PS_VERNR | |
PARVW | Partner Function | PARVW | |
PARNR | Partner | I_PARNR | |
UMWKZ | Reason for environmental investment | AM_UMWKZ | |
PPRIO | Priority | NW_PRIO | |
STATUS_REQ | Main system status of an appropriation request | J_ISTATEXT | |
STATUS | Main system status of measure | J_ISTATEXT | |
SIZECL | Scale of investment objects | SIZECL | |
USR00 | User field 1 (20 characters) | USRCHAR20 | |
USR01 | User field 2 (20 characters) | USRCHAR20 | |
USR02 | User field 3 (10 characters) | IMA_USRCHAR10 | |
USR03 | User field 4 (10 characters) | IMA_USRCHAR10 | |
USR12 | User field 13 for period and fiscal year | USRPER | |
USR13 | User field 14 for period and fiscal year | USRPER | |