IMPR | Investment Program Positions | KOKRS, IM_PRNAM, IM_GNJHR |
BIWTAI1 | IM - > BW: Conversion of Program Name | IM_PRNAM, IM_GNJHR, BIW_PRNAMS |
COEP | CO Object: Line Items (by Period) | VERSN, KOKRS |
COOI | Commitments Management: Line Items | VERSN, KOKRS |
IMTP | Investment programs | IM_GNJHR, IM_PRNAM |
TKA09 | Basic Settings for Versions | VERSN, KOKRS |
COSP_VTYPE | Conversion of OLTP (Value Type, Bus. Trans.) in BIW | RSVTYPE, RSMETYPE |
COST | CO Object: Price Totals | VERSN |
CSKS | Cost Center Master Record | KOKRS |
TKA01 | Controlling Areas | KOKRS |
TKA02 | Controlling area assignment | KOKRS |
| Header Entry Document | |
BPGE | Totals Record for Total Value Controlling obj. | |
BPPE | Totals Record for Period Values Controlling Obj. | |
TBP0L | Budget/Planning Ledger | |
CESETS | Set Administration in the Report Painter | |
FM01 | Financial Management Areas | |
IMAK | Appropriation requests - general data | |
IMAV | Appropriation request variant | |
T001 | Company Codes | |
T802G | Sets: Variables | |
TAI05 | CI Program Types | |
TAIF1 | Appropriation request types | |
TBP1C | Budget/Plan Profile | |
TCKH3 | Cost Components | |
TRSTHC | BRST directory of hierarchy classes | |
PRPS | WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data | |
BWCVSYSTAT | Customizing: BW Status Mapping / OLTP System Status | |
BWSTT | BW Status Text Table | |