0FI_GL_2: tables

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General ledger: Transaction figures - Cost of sales ledger | #TRAN | Extraction method: F1 | No Delta | Component: Financial Accounting: General Ledger
Table Description Matching Rollnames
GLFUNCT Totals Table for Cost of Sales Accounting PBUKRS, SFKBER, BUKRS, PPARGB, RMVCT, FKBER, GSBER
SKA1 G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts) FKBER, SAKNR, KTOPL
T001 Company Codes KTOPL, BUKRS
KNB1 Customer Master (Company Code) BUKRS
KNB4 Customer Payment History BUKRS
T004 Directory of Charts of Accounts KTOPL
TFKB Functional areas FKBER
FAGL_011ZC Fin. Statement Structure: Assignment FS Items - G/L Account KTOPL
RFDT Accounting Data (INDX Structure)
FAGL_011PC Fin. Statement Structure: Items in Fin. Statement Structure
HRRP_ATTR_DIR Hierarchy attribute on directory
HRRP_FSV_DIR FSV Hierarchy Directory
T011 Financial Statement Versions
HRRP_ATTR_NODE Hierarchy attribute on node
HRRP_DIRECTORY Hierarchy directory
HRRP_NODE Hierarchy node
HRRP_DIRECTORYT Hierarchy directory texts
HRRP_NODET Hierarchy node texts
SETHEADERT Short Description of Sets
T011T Financial statement version names