RMVCT | Transaction type | RMVCT | |
VRGNG | CO Business Transaction | J_VORGANG | |
BTTYPE | Business Transaction Category | FINS_BTTYPE | |
AWTYP | Reference procedure | AWTYP | |
AWSYS | Logical system of source document | LOGSYS | |
AWORG | Reference Organizational Units | AWORG | |
AWREF | Reference document number | AWREF | |
AWITEM | Reference Document Line Item | NUMC6 | |
AWITGRP | Group of Reference Document Line Items | NUMC6 | |
SUBTA | Partial Document to be balanced to zero | NUMC6 | |
AWTYP_REV | Reversal: Reference Transaction of Document to Be Reversed | AWTYP | |
AWORG_REV | Reversal: Reference Organizations of Document to Be Reversed | AWORG | |
AWREF_REV | Reversal: Reference Document No. of Document to Be Reversed | AWREF | |
SUBTA_REV | Reversal: Partial Document to be balanced to zero | NUMC6 | |
PREC_AWTYP | Preceding Document Reference Transaction | AWTYP | |
PREC_AWSYS | Logical System of Preceding Reference Document | LOGSYS | |
PREC_AWORG | Preceding Document Reference Organizational Units | AWORG | |
PREC_AWREF | Preceding Document Reference Document Number | AWREF | |
PREC_AWITEM | Preceding Reference Document Line Item | NUMC6 | |
PREC_SUBTA | Preceding Partial Document to be balanced to zero | NUMC6 | |
PREC_AWMULT | ID of multiple Preceding Document References | SYSUUID | |
RCNTR | Cost Center | KOSTL | |
PRCTR | Profit Center | PRCTR | |
RFAREA | Functional Area | FKBER | |
RBUSA | Business Area | GSBER | |
SEGMENT | Segment for Segmental Reporting | FB_SEGMENT | |
SCNTR | Sender cost center | KOSTL | |
PPRCTR | Partner Profit Center | PRCTR | |
SFAREA | Partner Functional Area | FKBER | |
SBUSA | Trading partner's business area | GSBER | |
RASSC | Company ID of Trading Partner | RCOMP | |
PSEGMENT | Partner Segment for Segmental Reporting | FB_SEGMENT | |
POPER | Posting period | POPER | |
BLART | Document Type | BLART | |
BUZEI | Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document | BUZEI | |
ZUONR | Assignment number | ZUONR | |
BSCHL | Posting Key | BSCHL | |
LINETYPE | Item Category | LINETYPE | |
KTOSL | Transaction Key | CHAR3 | |
SLALITTYPE | Subledger-Specific Line Item Type | SLALITTYPE | |
USNAM | User Name | XUBNAME | |
TIMESTAMP | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
EPRCTR | Partner profit center for elimination of internal business | PRCTR | |
LOKKT | Alternative Account Number in Company Code | SAKNR | |
KTOP2 | Alternative Chart of Accounts | KTOPL | |
REBZG | Document No. of the Invoice to Which the Transaction Belongs | BELNR | |
REBZJ | Fiscal Year of the Relevant Invoice (for Credit Memo) | GJAHR | |
REBZZ | Line Item in the Relevant Invoice | BUZEI | |
REBZT | Follow-On Document Type | REBZT | |
EBELN | Purchasing Document Number | EBELN | |
EBELP | Item Number of Purchasing Document | EBELP | |
ZEKKN | Sequential Number of Account Assignment | NUM02 | |
SGTXT | Item Text | TEXT50 | |
KDAUF | Sales Order Number | VBELN | |
KDPOS | Item number in Sales Order | NUM06 | |
MATNR | Material Number | MATNR | |
WERKS | Plant | WERKS | |
LIFNR | Account Number of Supplier | LIFNR | |
KUNNR | Customer Number | KUNNR | |
UMSKZ | Special G/L Indicator | UMSKZ | |
MWSKZ | Tax on sales/purchases code | MWSKZ | |
HBKID | Short Key for a House Bank | HBKID | |
HKTID | ID for Account Details | HKTID | |
AUGBL | Document Number of the Clearing Document | BELNR | |
AUGGJ | Fiscal Year of Clearing Document | GJAHR | |
AFABE | Depreciation Area Real or Derived | AFABE | |
ANLN1 | Main Asset Number | ANLN1 | |
ANLN2 | Asset Subnumber | ANLN2 | |
ANBWA | Asset Transaction Type | BWASL | |
MOVCAT | Transaction Type Category | FAA_MOVCAT | |
ANLGR | Group Asset | ANLN1 | |
ANLGR2 | Subnumber of Group Asset | ANLN2 | |
SETTLEMENT_RULE | Distribution Rule Group | NUMC3 | |
ANLKL | Asset Class | ANLKL | |
KTOGR | Account Determination | KTOGR | |
PANL1 | Main Number Partner Asset (Transfer) | ANLN1 | |
PANL2 | Partner Asset Subnumber (Transfer) | ANLN2 | |
PROZS_PN | Asset Retirement: Percentage Rate | PRZ32 | |
KALNR | Cost Estimate Number for Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure | CK_KALNR | |
SOBKZ | Special Stock Indicator | SOBKZ | |
VTSTAMP | Valuation Time Stamp | TZNTSTMPL | |
MAT_KDAUF | Sales Document Number of Valuated Special Inventory | VBELN | |
MAT_KDPOS | Sales Document Item Number of Valuated Special Inventory | POSNR | |
MAT_PSPNR | WBS Element (internal) of Valuated Special Inventory | PS_POSNR | |
MAT_PS_POSID | WBS Element (external) of Valuated Special Inventory | PS_POSID | |
MAT_LIFNR | Supplier of Valuated Special Inventory | LIFNR | |
BWTAR | Valuation Type | BWTAR | |
BWKEY | Valuation area | BWKEY | |
HPEINH | Price Unit in Local Currency | PACK3 | |
KPEINH | Price Unit in Group Currency | PACK3 | |
OPEINH | Price Unit in Another Currency | PACK3 | |
VPEINH | Price Unit in Fourth Currency | PACK3 | |
MLPTYP | Original Process Category | CKML_PROZESS_TYP | |
QSBVALT | Procurement Alternative/Process | CK_KALNR | |
QSPROCESS | Production Process | CK_KALNR | |
MLPOSNR | Item in Material Ledger Document | NUMC6 | |
BUKRS_SENDER | Company Code in Sender System | CHAR4 | |
RACCT_SENDER | General Ledger Account in Sender System | CHAR10 | |
ACCAS_SENDER | Account Assignment in Sender System | ACCAS | |
ACCASTY_SENDER | Account Assignment Type in Sender System | J_OBART | |
OBJNR | Object number | J_OBJNR | |
HRKFT | CO key subnumber | CO_SUBKEY | |
HKGRP | Origin Group as Subdivision of Cost Element | HRKFT | |
PAROB1 | Partner object (always filled) | J_OBJNR | |
USPOB | Source Object (Cost Center/Activity Type) | J_OBJNR | |
GKONT | Offsetting Account Number | GKONT | |
PERNR | Personnel Number | PERNR | |
PAOBJNR | Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA) | RKEOBJNR | |
LOGSYSO | Logical System of Object | LOGSYS | |
PBUKRS | Company Code of Partner | BUKRS | |
LOGSYSP | Logical system of partner object | LOGSYS | |
OBJNR_HK | Object Number of Origin Object | J_OBJNR | |
AUFNR_ORG | Origin Order Number | AUFNR | |
UKOSTL | Origin cost center | KOSTL | |
ULSTAR | Origin activity | LSTAR | |
UPRZNR | Source: Business Process | CO_PRZNR | |
UPRCTR | Origin Profit Center | PRCTR | |
ACCAS | Account Assignment | ACCAS | |
ACCASTY | Object Type | J_OBART | |
LSTAR | Activity Type | LSTAR | |
AUFNR | Order Number | AUFNR | |
PS_PSP_PNR | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_POSNR | |
PS_POSID | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_POSID | |
PS_PSPID | Project definition | PS_PSPID | |
NPLNR | Network Number for Account Assignment | AUFNR | |
NPLNR_VORGN | Network activity | VORNR | |
PRZNR | Business Process | CO_PRZNR | |
KSTRG | Cost Object | KSTRG | |
BEMOT | Accounting Indicator | BEMOT | |
RSRCE | Resource | CO_RESSOURCE | |
QMNUM | Notification Number | QMNUM | |
ERKRS | Operating concern | ERKRS | |
PACCAS | Partner Account Assignment | ACCAS | |
PACCASTY | Partner Object Type | J_OBART | |
PLSTAR | Partner activity | LSTAR | |
PAUFNR | Partner order number | AUFNR | |
PPS_POSID | Partner Work Breakdown Structure Element | PS_POSID | |
PPS_PSPID | Partner Project | PS_PSPID | |
PKDAUF | Number of Partner Sales Order | VBELN | |
PKDPOS | Partner Sales Order Item | POSNR | |
PPAOBJNR | Partner profitability segment number (CO-PA) | RKEOBJNR | |
PNPLNR | Partner Project Network | AUFNR | |
PNPLNR_VORGN | Partner Project Network Activity | VORNR | |
PPRZNR | Partner Business Process | CO_PRZNR | |
PKSTRG | Partner Cost Object | KSTRG | |
CO_ZLENR | Document Item Number | NUM3 | |
CO_BELNR | Document Number | CO_BELNR | |
CO_BUZEI | Posting Row | BUZEI | |
CO_BUZEI1 | Posting row of CO item in first additional valuation | BUZEI | |
CO_BUZEI2 | Posting row of CO item in second additional valuation | BUZEI | |
CO_BUZEI5 | Posting row of CO item in valuation view 5 | BUZEI | |
CO_BUZEI6 | Posting row of CO item in valuation view 6 | BUZEI | |
CO_BUZEI7 | Posting row of CO item in valuation view 7 | BUZEI | |
CO_REFBZ | Posting Row of Reference Document | BUZEI | |
CO_REFBZ1 | Posting row of reference document in first add'l valuation | BUZEI | |
CO_REFBZ2 | Posting row of reference document in second add'l valuation | BUZEI | |
CO_REFBZ5 | Posting row of reference document in valuation view 5 | BUZEI | |
CO_REFBZ6 | Posting row of reference document in valuation view 6 | BUZEI | |
CO_REFBZ7 | Posting row of reference document in valuation view 7 | BUZEI | |
FKART | Billing Type | FKART | |
VKORG | Sales Organization | VKORG | |
VTWEG | Distribution Channel | VTWEG | |
SPART | Division | SPART | |
MATNR_COPA | Product Sold | MATNR | |
MATKL | Product Sold Group | MATKL | |
KDGRP | Customer Group | KDGRP | |
LAND1 | Country/Region Key | LAND1 | |
BRSCH | Industry key | BRSCH | |
BZIRK | Sales District | BZIRK | |
KUNRE | Bill-to Party | KUNNR | |
KUNWE | Ship-to Party | KUNNR | |
KONZS | Group key | KONZS | |
ACDOC_COPA_EEW_DUMMY_PA | Dummy function in length 1 | DUMMY | |
BONUS_PA | Volume rebate group | BONUS | |
SAISJ_PA | Season Year | FSH_CJAHR | |
SAISO_PA | Season | RFM_SAISO | |
KMVKBU_PA | Sales office | VKBUR | |
VKBUR_PA | Sales office | VKBUR | |
VKGRP_PA | Sales group | VKGRP | |
KMVTNR_PA | Sales employee | PERNR | |
KMWNHG_PA | Main Material Group | RKESKMWNHG | |
RE_BUKRS | Cash Origin Company Code | BUKRS | |
RE_ACCOUNT | Cash Origin Account | SAKNR | |
FIKRS | Financial Management Area | FIKRS | |
FISTL | Funds Center | FISTL | |
MEASURE | Funded Program | FM_MEASURE | |
RFUND | Fund | BP_GEBER | |
SFUND | Partner Fund | BP_GEBER | |
SGRANT_NBR | Partner Grant | GM_GRANT_NBR | |
SBUDGET_PD | FM: Partner Budget Period | FM_BUDGET_PERIOD | |
VNAME | Joint venture | JV_NAME | |
EGRUP | Equity group | JV_EGROUP | |
RECID | Recovery Indicator | JV_RECIND | |
VPTNR | Partner account number | KUNNR | |
BTYPE | Billing Indicator | JV_BILIND | |
ETYPE | Equity type | JV_ETYPE | |
CBRUNID | Cutback Run ID (Joint Venture Accounting) | TZNTSTMPL | |
JVACTIVITY | JVA Activity (Joint Venture Accounting) | | |
PVNAME | Partner Venture (Joint Venture Accounting) | JV_NAME | |
PEGRUP | Partner Equity Group (Joint Venture Accounting) | JV_EGROUP | |
S_RECIND | Allocation: Sender Credit Recovery Indicator | JV_RECIND | |
CBRACCT | Cutback Account (Joint Venture Accounting) | SAKNR | |
CBOBJNR | Cutback Cost Object (Joint Venture Accounting) | J_OBJNR | |
SWENR | Business Entity Number | REBDBENO | |
SGENR | Number of Building | REBDBUNO | |
SGRNR | Number of Land | REBDPRNO | |
SMENR | Number of Rental Object | REBDRONO | |
RECNNR | Contract Number | RECNNUMBER | |
SNKSL | Service Charge Key | RESCSCKEY | |
SEMPSL | Settlement Unit | RESCSUID | |
PSWENR | Partner Business Entity Number | REBDBENO | |
PSGENR | Partner Building Number | REBDBUNO | |
PSGRNR | Partner Land Number | REBDPRNO | |
PSMENR | Number of Partner Rental Unit | REBDRONO | |
PRECNNR | Partner Contract Number | RECNNUMBER | |
PSNKSL | Partner Service Charge Key | RESCSCKEY | |
PSEMPSL | Partner Settlement Unit | RESCSUID | |
ACDOC_EEW_DUMMY | Custom Fields: Dummy for Use in Extension Includes | | |
DUMMY_INCL_EEW_COBL | Custom Fields: Dummy for Use in Extension Includes | | |
MIG_DOCLN | Item ID of migrated G/L line item | DOCLN6 | |
RYEAR | General Ledger Fiscal Year | GJAHR | |
RACCT | Account Number | SAKNR | |
VALUETYPE | Value type for Reporting | RSVTYPE | |