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0FI_AA_20: tables
back to extractor detailFI-AA: Transactions and Depreciation |
Extraction method: F1 |
No Delta
| Component: Fincial Accounting: Asset Accounting
Table | Description | Matching Rollnames |
ACDOCA | Universal Journal Entry Line Items | BUKRS, ANLN1, BWASL, GJAHR, AFABER, ANLN2, MEINS, BELNR_D, PERIV |
ANEK | Document Header Asset Posting | MENGE_D, GJAHR, LNRAN, BUKRS, ANLN2, ANLN1, MEINS |
FAAT_DOC_IT | Statistical Line Item in Asset Accounting | ANLN1, ANLN2, GJAHR, BWASL, BWASL, BUKRS |
ANEA | Asset Line Items for Proportional Values | ANLN2, BUKRS, GJAHR, ANLN1, LNRAN |
ANLP | Asset Periodic Values | ANLN2, BUKRS, AFABER, ANLN1, GJAHR |
BWFIAA_AEDAT_TR | FIAA-BW: New and Modified Transactions for Delta Upload | ANLN1, ANLN2, BUKRS, LNRAN, GJAHR |
FINST_SIF_RP_WL | SAP S/4H Finance: SIF - Worklist of Repostings | BELNR_D, BELNR_D, GJAHR, GJAHR, BUKRS |
ANLE | Asset Origin by Line Item | GJAHR, LNRAN, ANLN1, ANLN2, BUKRS |
ANEV | Asset downpymt settlement | BUKRS, GJAHR, GJAHR, ANLN1, ANLN2 |
BKPF | Accounting Document Header | BELNR_D, GJAHR, WAERS, BUKRS |
FAAT_PLAN_VALUES | Planned Depreciations and Revaluations | ANLN1, BUKRS, ANLN2, GJAHR |
ANLA | Asset Master Record Segment | MEINS, ANLN2, BUKRS, ANLN1 |
ANLC | Asset Value Fields | BUKRS, GJAHR, ANLN1, ANLN2 |
ANLK | Asset Origin by Cost Element | ANLN1, BUKRS, GJAHR, ANLN2 |
FAAT_YDDA | Year-Dependent Attributes for Depreciation | ANLN1, BUKRS, ANLN2, GJAHR |
ANLV | Insurance data | ANLN2, BUKRS, ANLN1, LNRAN |
GLFUNCT | Totals Table for Cost of Sales Accounting | BUKRS, GJAHR, MEINS |
ANLB | Depreciation terms | ANLN1, BUKRS, ANLN2 |
ANLBZA | Time-Dependent Depreciation Terms | BUKRS, ANLN1, ANLN2 |
ANLI | Link table for investment measure -> AuC | ANLN2, BUKRS, ANLN1 |
ANLU | Asset Master Record: User Fields | ANLN1, ANLN2, BUKRS |
ANLZ | Time-Dependent Asset Allocations | ANLN1, ANLN2, BUKRS |
T001 | Company Codes | WAERS, PERIV, BUKRS |
T093B | Company code-related depreciation area specifications | WAERS, BUKRS, PERIV |
AAACC_OBJ | Account Assignment Settings in Asset Accounting | BUKRS, BWASL, AFABER |
FINSC_CURR_CHNGE | Task: Add or Remove Currency Types in ACDOCA Table Entries | BUKRS, WAERS, WAERS |
AFVC | Operation within an order | WAERS, BUKRS |
ANLH | Main asset number | ANLN1, BUKRS |
T093C | Company codes in Asset Accounting | BUKRS, PERIV |
TKA01 | Controlling Areas | PERIV, WAERS |
FINSC_001A | Currency conversion settings for company code | WAERS, BUKRS |
FINSC_LD_CMP | CompCode-Dependent Settings for Univ. Journal Entry Ledger | BUKRS, PERIV |
T093D | Control dep. posting | AFABER, BUKRS |
T093R | Control Table for Archiving in Asset Accounting | AFABER, BUKRS |
T882G | Company code - ledger assignment | PERIV, BUKRS |
ANKA | Asset classes: general data | MEINS |
AUFK | Order master data | BUKRS |
FAAT_CMP | Fixed Asset Company Code | BUKRS |
KNB4 | Customer Payment History | BUKRS |
KNKA | Customer master credit management: Central data | WAERS |
SKB1 | G/L account master (company code) | BUKRS |
T093 | Real and derived depreciation areas | AFABER |
TABA | Depreciation posting documents | BUKRS |
TABW | Asset transaction types | BWASL |
TKA02 | Controlling area assignment | BUKRS |
T093T | Names for real and derived depreciation areas | AFABER |
TABWT | Asset transaction types texts | BWASL |
ANKB | Asset class: depreciation area | AFABER |
FAGL_SPLIT_ACTC | Deactivation of Document Splitting per Company Code | BUKRS |
FCML_ACCMAP_ACP | Alternative Accounts for Each Accounting Principle | BUKRS |
FCML_MLCO | Control Table Transfer of ML Postings to CO | BUKRS |
FINSC_LD_CMP_AP | Allowed Combinations Ledger + CompanyCode + AccPrinciple | BUKRS |
FINS_CO_DOCT_CC | Default Values for Postings in Controlling | BUKRS |
T082AVIEWB | View Authorization for Depreciation Areas | AFABER |
T090NH | Maximum Amount Method | WAERS |
T093B_RSL | Company Code-Related Depreciation Area Specifications | BUKRS |
T093C_RSL | Default Values for Depreciation Key in Company Code | BUKRS |
T093S | Value Field Names for Depreciation Areas | AFABER |
T093U | Options for asset legacy data transfer | BUKRS |
T093_MAP_ACC | Mapping Table for Alternative Company Codes | AFABER |
T095P | Reconcil.accts. derived dep. areas | AFABER |
TABWA | Transaction types/dep. areas | BWASL |
TABWK | Trans. types for posting prop. values and depreciation | BWASL |
TKA00 | Control parameters for controlling areas | GJAHR |
ANKP | Asset classes: Fld Cont Dpndnt on Chart of Depreciation | |
CESETS | Set Administration in the Report Painter | |
CSKB | Cost Elements (Data Dependent on Controlling Area) | |
FAAI_FIELD0 | Layout Fields | |
FAGL_TLDGRP | Ledger Group | |
FINCS_MAP_RLDNR | Mapping of Source Ledger to Consolidation Chart of Accounts | |
FINSC_CT_DELTA | Delta Currency and Valuation Types | |
FINSC_CURTYPE | Currency type | |
FINSC_LEDGER | Universal Journal Entry Ledger | |
FINS_CO_DOCT_VAR | Variant for Mapping CO Bus. Transact. to Document Types | |
FINS_MPROJECT | Mass Data Project: Projects | |
FINS_MPROJ_STAT | Mass Data Project: Status Table | |
KNKK | Customer master credit management: Control area data | |
MLST | Milestone | |
PROJ | Project definition | |
T004F | Field status definition groups | |
T030 | Standard Accounts Table | |
T089 | One-Time Revaluation on Key Date | |
T090ND | Declining-Balance Method | |
T090NH_METH | Maximum Amount Method | |
T090NP | Period Control Method | |
T090NR | Base Method | |
T090NSG | Multi-Level Method - Start of Validity | |
T091 | Cut-off value key | |
T093G | Cross-System Depreciation Areas | |
T093_ACCOBJ | Account Assignment Objects in Asset Accounting | |
T095 | Balance sheet accounts for depreciation areas | |
T095A | Account allocation | |
T095B | G/L accounts value adjustment | |
T095_ACI | Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Asset Acquisition | |
T096 | Chart of depreciation | |
T811C | Allocations: Cycles | |
T881 | Ledger Master | |
TA1TV | Asset Transfer Variant | |
TABWG | Transaction type groups | |
TKA09 | Basic Settings for Versions | |
PRPS | WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) Element Master Data | |
ANKT | Asset classes: Description | |
FAGL_TLDGRPT | Ledger Group Texts | |
FINSC_CURTYPET | Currency type | |
FINSC_LEDGER_T | Unified Journal Entry Ledger | |
T093_ACCOBJT | Texts for Account Assignment Objects in Asset Accounting | |
T095T | Name for account groups | |
T096T | Chart of depreciation texts | |
T881T | FI-SL Ledger text | |
AAACC_OBJ_ERR | Types of Error During Check of Acct Assignment in FI-AA | |
ANKAZ | Asset class: extension for technical fields | |
ANKLAY | Asset class: Assignment of tab layouts | |
ANKLAYP | Asset class: Assignment of tab layouts | |
ANKV | Asset classes: insurance types | |
FAAC_LAYOUT1F | Master Data Layout | |
FAAC_SIL_MAP | Implementation of a New Ledger - Area Mapping | |
FAAI_FIELD1P | Technical Fields and Position | |
FAGL_LEDGER_SCEN | Active Scenarios of a Ledger | |
FAGL_SPLIT_FIELD | Characteristics for Split | |
FAGL_TLDGRP_MAP | Assignment of Ledgers to Ledger Groups | |
FCML_FIAACO | Control Table Transfer of Depreciation to CO | |
FINSC_CURTYPE_C | Currency type | |
FINSC_LEDGER_REP | Unified Journal Entry Ledger (Auxiliary table for Reporting) | |
FINSC_VERSN_LD | Determine G/L Ledger for CO-Version (TP only, no COGM!) | |
FINS_ACDOC_ACT | Activation of Universal Journal Entry | |
T090NS | Multilevel Method | |
T090NSK | Multilevel Method | |
T091P | Cut-off val. percent. rates | |
T093A | Real depreciation area | |
T093N | Number assignment alloc. AA | |
T093_BSN_FUNC | ERP Business Function for FI-AA | |
T094P | Index Figures for Replacement Values | |
TA1MZ | Line Item Schema | |
TA1TVB | Determination of the Asset Transfer Method | |
TABWI | Allowed asset classes per transaction type group | |
TACC_TRGT_LDGR | Assgmt of Accounting Principle to Target Ledger or Ledger Gp | |
TCVPROFD | Currency and Valuation Profiles - Detail | |
TRWPR | RWIN: Processes |