MANDT | Client | MANDT | |
RLDNR | Ledger | RLDNR | |
VERSN | Financial Statement Version | VERSN_011 | |
P_KTOPL | Chart of Accounts | KTOPL | |
P_BUKRS | Company Code | BUKRS | |
P_PRCTR | Profit Center | PRCTR | |
P_SEGMENT | Segment for Segmental Reporting | FB_SEGMENT | |
P_FISCYEAR | Count parameters | NUMC4 | |
P_FPERIOD | Fiscal period | MONAT | |
P_TPERIOD | Fiscal period | MONAT | |
P_CPFISCYEAR | Count parameters | NUMC4 | |
P_CPFPERIOD | Fiscal period | MONAT | |
P_CPTPERIOD | Fiscal period | MONAT | |
P_KURST | Exchange Rate Type | KURST | |
P_GDATU | Date As of Which the Exchange Rate Is Effective | DATUM_INV | |
BUKRS | Company Code | BUKRS | |
BELNR | Document Number of an Accounting Document | BELNR | |
PARENTNODE | Internal: Node ID | SEU_ID | |
GLACCEXT | Financial Statement Item | FAGL_GLACCEXT | |
SAKNR | G/L Account Number | SAKNR | |
HIENODE | Internal: Node ID | SEU_ID | |
OP_KTOPL | Chart of Accounts | KTOPL | |
FISCYEAR | Fiscal year | GJAHR | |
FISCVAR | Fiscal year variant | RSFISCVAR | |
ERGSL | Financial Statement Item | ERGSL | |
BLART | Document Type | BLART | |
MONAT | Fiscal period | MONAT | |
BUZEI | Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document | BUZEI | |
AUGBL | Document Number of the Clearing Document | BELNR | |
AUGST_TXT | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
BSCHL | Posting Key | BSCHL | |
UMSKZ | Special G/L Indicator | UMSKZ | |
UMSKS | Special G/L Transaction Type | UMSKS | |
RYEAR | Fiscal year | GJAHR | |
DOCNR | Doc. Number | BELNR | |
DOCLN | Document line | DOCLN | |
RVERS | Version | RVERS | |
KOSTL | Cost Center | KOSTL | |
PRCTR | Profit Center | PRCTR | |
FKBER | Functional Area | FKBER | |
GSBER | Business Area | GSBER | |
KOKRS | Controlling Area | CACCD | |
SEGMENT | Segment for Segmental Reporting | FB_SEGMENT | |
POPER | Posting period | POPER | |
ALTKT | Account Number in Group | ALTKT | |
KTOPL | Chart of Accounts | KTOPL | |
BUTXT | Name of Company Code or Company | TEXT25 | |
BILKT | Group Account Number | SAKNR | |
KTOP2 | Alternative Chart of Accounts | KTOPL | |
KURST | Exchange Rate Type | KURST | |
KUNNR | Customer Number | KUNNR | |
LDGRP | Ledger Group | FAGL_LDGRP | |
MWSKZ | Tax on sales/purchases code | MWSKZ | |
AGZEI | Clearing Item | AGZEI | |
JAMON | Fiscal Year/Posting Period from Posting Date | JAMON_XPO | |
TCODE | Transaction Code | TCODE | |
BVORG | Number of Cross-Company Code Posting Transaction | BVORG | |
GDATU | Date As of Which the Exchange Rate Is Effective | DATUM_INV | |
GLACCTNAM | Text for Criterion | TXT20 | |
KKTPL | Group Chart of Accts | KTOPL | |
KSTAR | Cost Element | KSTAR | |
OP_SAKNR | G/L Account Number | SAKNR | |
VBUND | Company ID | RCOMP | |
CO_BELNR | Document Number | CO_BELNR | |
CO_BUZEI | Posting Row | BUZEI | |
OBJNR | Object number (forecast) | OBJNR | |
COVERSI | Version | COVERSI | |
GLVOR | Business Transaction | CHAR4 | |
SCNTR | Sender cost center | KOSTL | |
PPRCTR | Partner Profit Center | PRCTR | |
SFAREA | Partner Functional Area | FKBER | |
SBUSA | Trading partner's business area | GSBER | |
PSEGMENT | Partner Segment for Segmental Reporting | FB_SEGMENT | |
USNAM | User Name | XUBNAME | |
LAND1 | Country/Region Key | LAND1 | |
KTOKS | G/L Account Group | KTOKS | |
SGTXT | Item Text | TEXT50 | |
AUGGJ | Fiscal Year of Clearing Document | GJAHR | |
SAMNR | Invoice List Number | SAMNR | |
WERKS | null | | |
WERKS | Plant | WERKS | |
CESSION_KZ | Accounts Receivable Pledging Indicator | CESSION_KZ | |
ZTERM | Terms of payment key | ZTERM | |
STBLG | Reverse Document Number | BELNR | |
AUFNR | Order Number | AUFNR | |
ZLSCH | Payment Method | ZLSCH | |
VBELN | Sales and Distribution Document Number | VBELN | |
KTEXT | General Name | TEXT20 | |
GLACCLONG | Name | TEXT50 | |
BLARTNAM | Long Text | TEXT40 | |
DDTEXT | Explanatory Short Text | DDTEXT | |
UMSKSNAM | General Name | TEXT20 | |
WAERSNAM | General Name | TEXT20 | |
ERNAM | Name of Person Responsible for Creating the Object | USNAM | |
REBZJ | Fiscal Year of the Relevant Invoice (for Credit Memo) | GJAHR | |
REBZZ | Line Item in the Relevant Invoice | BUZEI | |
REBZG | Document No. of the Invoice to Which the Transaction Belongs | BELNR | |
MATNR | Material Number | MATNR | |
PKSTAR | Cost element of partner | KSTAR | |
PBUKRS | Company Code of Partner | BUKRS | |
LOGSYSP | Logical system of partner object | LOGSYS | |
PSPID | Project definition | PS_PSPID | |
PPSPID | Partner Project | PS_PSPID | |
AWTYP | Reference procedure | AWTYP | |
AWSYS | Logical system of source document | LOGSYS | |
KKBTX | Description of the credit control area | TEXT35 | |
TEXT1 | Reason for Dunning Block Text | TEXT50 | |
MABERNAM | Text | TEXT50 | |
RSTGRNAM | Text for Criterion | TXT20 | |
MAXSTDESC | Text | TEXT50 | |
DZAHLSNAM | Explanation of the Reason for Payment Block | TEXT20 | |
ZLSCHNAM | Name of Payment Method in Language of the Country/Region | TEXT30 | |
MANST | Dunning Level | MAHNS | |
ZBD2T | Cash discount days 2 | ZBDXT | |
ZAHLS | Block Key for Payment | ZAHLS | |
DTWS2 | Instruction Key 2 | DTWSX | |
MAXST | Maximum Dunning Level | MAHNS | |
STJAH | Fiscal Year of Reversal Document | GJAHR | |
XREF3 | Reference key for line item | CHAR20 | |
DTWS1 | Instruction Key 1 | DTWSX | |
ZBD3T | Net Payment Terms Period | ZBDXT | |
ZBD1P | Cash discount percentage 1 | PRZ23 | |
VBEWA | Flow Type | SBEWART | |
ZUONR | Assignment number | ZUONR | |
XREF2 | Business Partner Reference Key | CHAR12 | |
UZAWE | Payment method supplement | UZAWE | |
KIDNO | Payment Reference | CHAR30 | |
ZBD1T | Cash discount days 1 | ZBDXT | |
XBLNR | Reference Document Number | XBLNR | |
ZBD2P | Cash Discount Percentage 2 | PRZ23 | |
XREF1 | Business Partner Reference Key | CHAR12 | |
RFZEI | Payment Card Item | NUM03 | |
MABER | Dunning Area | MABER | |
CCBTC | Payment cards: Settlement run | CCBTC | |
MANSP | Dunning Block | MANSP | |
RSTGR | Reason Code for Payments | RSTGR | |
VERZ1 | Days in Arrears for Cash Discount Terms 1 | WRTV3 | |
VERZN | Days in Arrears by Net Due Date | WRTV3 | |
KTOSL | Transaction Key | CHAR3 | |
AWKEY | Reference Key | AWKEY | |
DBBLG | Recurring Entry Document Number | BELNR | |
XREF1_HD | Reference Key 1 Internal for Document Header | CHAR20 | |
XREF2_HD | Reference Key 2 Internal for Document Header | CHAR20 | |
XBLNR_ALT | Alternative Reference Number | XBLNR_ALT | |
ETEN2 | Schedule Line Number | ETENR | |
BUPLA | Business Place | J_1BBRANCH | |
DTWS3 | Instruction key 3 | DTWSX | |
REBZT | Follow-On Document Type | REBZT | |
SECCO | Section Code | SECCO | |
PSPNR | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_POSID | |
ANLN1 | Main Asset Number | ANLN1 | |
VERTN | Contract Number | RANL | |
DTWS4 | Instruction key 4 | DTWSX | |
FIKRS | Financial Management Area | FIKRS | |
ANLN2 | Asset Subnumber | ANLN2 | |
KKBER | Credit control area | KKBER | |
GEBER | Fund | BP_GEBER | |
EBELP | Item Number of Purchasing Document | EBELP | |
IMKEY | Internal Key for Real Estate Object | IMKEY | |
LIFNR | Account Number of Supplier | LIFNR | |
POSN2 | Sales Document Item | POSNR | |
EBELN | Purchasing Document Number | EBELN | |
VBEL2 | Sales Document | VBELN | |
FILKD | Account Number of the Branch | MAXKK | |
GRPID | Batch Input Session Name | CHAR12 | |
PAROB | Partner Object | J_OBJNR | |
USPOB | Source Object (Cost Center/Activity Type) | J_OBJNR | |
PERNR | Personnel Number | PERNR | |
OBJNR_N1 | Auxiliary account assignment 1 | J_OBJNR | |
OBJNR_N2 | Auxiliary account assignment 2 | J_OBJNR | |
OBJNR_N3 | Auxiliary account assignment 3 | J_OBJNR | |
QMNUM | Notification Number | QMNUM | |
PGEBER | Partner Fund | BP_GEBER | |
PGRANT_NBR | Partner Grant | GM_GRANT_NBR | |
BUDGET_PD | Budget Period | FM_BUDGET_PERIOD | |
PBUDGET_PD | FM: Partner Budget Period | FM_BUDGET_PERIOD | |
LSTAR | Activity Type | LSTAR | |
PAUFNR | Partner order number | AUFNR | |
PPSPNR | Partner Work Breakdown Structure Element | PS_POSID | |
PCE4KEY | Partner Assignment Object Key for CO-PA Data Basis (CE4xxxx) | RKEOBJNR | |
CE4KEY | Assignment Object Key for CO-PA Data Basis (CE4xxxx) | RKEOBJNR | |
ERKRS | Operating concern | ERKRS | |
PLSTAR | Partner activity | LSTAR | |
PVBELN | Number of Partner Sales Order | VBELN | |
PVBPOSNR | Partner Sales Order Item | POSNR | |
CO_SGTXT | Segment text | TEXT50 | |