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Text DataSource for Partner | #TEXT | Extraction method: F2 | No Delta | Component: Financial Accounting
Table Description Matching Rollnames
KNA1 General Data in Customer Master NAME1_GP, NAME1_GP
LFA1 Supplier Master (General Section) NAME1_GP, NAME1_GP
CMCBD_ENTRY_HIST Cash Budgeting Entry History
CMCBD_LIQ_ASS_RT Runtime: Cash Budgeting Liquidity Item Assignment
CMCBD_LIQ_CUR_RT Runtime: Cash Budgeting Liquidity Item Currency
CMCBD_LIQ_DIM_RT Runtime: Planing liquidity item dimension
CMCBC_CBAREA Cash Budgeting Area
CMCBC_CYCLE_TP Cash Budget Cycle Type
CMCBD_CYCLE Cash Budgeting Cycle
CMCBD_FILE_DATA Cash Budgeting file data table
CMCBD_LIQ_PRI_RT Runtime: Planing liquidity item based on suggest value
CMCBD_ORG_USER Organizational Hierarchy User
CMCBD_PL_LAYOUT Planning Layout master table
CMCBD_PL_LIQ_DIM Planning liquidity item and dimension
CMCBD_PL_LIQ_PRI Planning liquidity item priority and based on suggest level
CMCBD_PL_LIQ_SC Planning liquidity item and source
CMCBD_WF_LINKS Cash Budgeting Workflow Node Links for Positions
CMCBD_WF_ORG Cash Budgeting Org Info
CMCBD_WF_USERS Cash Budgeting Workflow Users
RSCURTRT Currency Translation Types
RSDMHIETAB740 Model Table: Hierarchies of a Characteristic (from 3.0B)
RSDMHIETABNEW Model Table: Hierarchies of a Characteristic (from 3.0B)
RSDMHINTAB740 Model table: Hierarchy intervals of a characteristic
RSHIEDIR Hierarchy Catalog
RSHIELVT Levels Table for Hierarchies in BW
RSMHIERNODE Master data: Hierarchy nodes that cannot be posted to
RSTHIERNODE Texts of Non-Postable Hierarchy Nodes
RSDAREAT InfoArea texts
RSDIOBJT InfoObject texts
RSHIEDIRT Hierarchy directory texts
CMCBC_ROLL_TEMP Rolling template
CMCBD_LIQ_SG_SC The sources of suggest value for each liquidity item
RSDBCHATR Master data attributes
RSDCHA Characteristic Catalog
RSDCHABAS Basic characteristics (for chars, XXL, time-chars and units)
RSDIOBJCMP Compound (dependencies) of InfoObjects
RSDKYF Key figures
RSNSPACE Namespace and Namespace Assignments for BW Objects