POPER | Posting period | POPER | |
DOCNR | Document Number of an Accounting Document | BELNR | |
DOCLN | Document line | DOCLN | |
RBUKRS | Company Code | BUKRS | |
RPRCTR | Profit Center | PRCTR | |
RFAREA | Functional Area | FKBER | |
RACCT | Account Number | SAKNR | |
HRKFT | Origin Group as Subdivision of Cost Element | HRKFT | |
RASSC | Company ID of Trading Partner | RCOMP | |
EPRCTR | Partner profit center for elimination of internal business | PRCTR | |
ACTIV | FI-SL Business Transaction | ACTIVITY | |
AFABE | Real depreciation area | AFABE | |
OCLNT | Original client | NUM3 | |
SBUKRS | Sender company code | BUKRS | |
SPRCTR | Partner Profit Center | PRCTR | |
SFAREA | Partner Functional Area | FKBER | |
USNAM | User Name | XUBNAME | |
SGTXT | Item Text | TEXT50 | |
AUTOM | Indicator: Automatic posting lines | TEXT1 | |
DOCTY | FI-SL Document Type | DOCTY | |
REFDOCNR | Reference Document Number (External Document Number) | BELNR | |
REFRYEAR | Fiscal Year | GJAHR | |
REFDOCLN | Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document | BUZEI | |
REFACTIV | FI-SL Business Transaction | ACTIVITY | |
AWTYP | Reference procedure | AWTYP | |
AWORG | Reference Organizational Units | AWORG | |
WERKS | Plant | WERKS | |
GSBER | Business Area | GSBER | |
KOSTL | Cost Center | KOSTL | |
LSTAR | Activity Type | LSTAR | |
ANLN1 | Main Asset Number | ANLN1 | |
ANLN2 | Asset Subnumber | ANLN2 | |
MATNR | Material Number | MATNR | |
BWKEY | Valuation area | BWKEY | |
BWTAR | Valuation Type | BWTAR | |
ANBWA | Asset Transaction Type | BWASL | |
KUNNR | Customer Number | KUNNR | |
LIFNR | Account Number of Supplier | LIFNR | |
RMVCT | Transaction type | RMVCT | |
EBELN | Purchasing Document Number | EBELN | |
EBELP | Item Number of Purchasing Document | EBELP | |
KSTRG | Cost Object | KSTRG | |
ERKRS | Operating concern | ERKRS | |
PAOBJNR | Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA) | RKEOBJNR | |
PASUBNR | Profitability Segment Changes (CO-PA) | RKESUBNR | |
PS_PSP_PNR | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_POSNR | |
KDAUF | Sales Order Number | VBELN | |
KDPOS | Item number in Sales Order | NUM06 | |
FKART | Billing Type | FKART | |
VKORG | Sales Organization | VKORG | |
VTWEG | Distribution Channel | VTWEG | |
AUBEL | Sales Document | VBELN | |
AUPOS | Sales Document Item | POSNR | |
SPART | Division | SPART | |
VBELN | Sales and Distribution Document Number | VBELN | |
POSNR | Item number of the SD document | POSNR | |
VKGRP | Sales group | VKGRP | |
VKBUR | Sales office | VKBUR | |
VBUND | Company ID of Trading Partner | RCOMP | |
LOGSYS | Logical System | LOGSYS | |
ALEBN | ALE: PCA document number in system where created | BELNR | |
AWSYS | Logical system of source document | LOGSYS | |
VERSA | Results Analysis Version | VERSN_ABGR | |
REP_MATNR | Representative material for Profit Center Accounting | MATNR | |
CO_PRZNR | Business Process | CO_PRZNR | |
IMKEY | Internal Key for Real Estate Object | IMKEY | |
AWREF_REV | Reversal: Reference Document No. of Document to Be Reversed | AWREF | |
AWORG_REV | Reversal: Reference Organizations of Document to Be Reversed | AWORG | |
BWART | Movement type (inventory management) | BWART | |
BLART | Document Type | BLART | |
TIMESTAMP | UTC Time Stamp in Short Form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) | TZNTSTMPS | |
VALUETYPE | Value type for Reporting | RSVTYPE | |
FISCPER | Fiscal year / period | RSFISCPER | |
FISCVAR | Fiscal year variant | RSFISCVAR | |
CHARTACCTS | Chart of Accounts | KTOPL | |
PS_POSID | Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element) | PS_POSID | |