Constant0 | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
Constant1 | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
Constant2 | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
Constant3 | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
Constant4 | 1 Byte Unsigned Integer | INT1 | |
ConstantEmptyRaw16 | 16 Byte UUID in 16 Bytes (Raw Format) | SYSUUID_X16 | |
ConstantHyphen | Single-Character Flag | CHAR1 | |
ConstantRaw | 3-Byte field | CHAR3 | |
ConstantEmpty | Single-Character Flag | CHAR1 | |
ConstantTrue | Single-Character Flag | CHAR1 | |
ConstantFalse | Single-Character Flag | CHAR1 | |
ConstantNotExisting | Component of the Version Number | CHAR2 | |
ConstantMixture | Single-Character Flag | CHAR1 | |
ConstantInProgress | Component of the Version Number | CHAR2 | |
ConstantReleased | Component of the Version Number | CHAR2 | |
ConstantCalculated | Component of the Version Number | CHAR2 | |
ConstantOutdated | Component of the Version Number | CHAR2 | |
ConstantMissing | Component of the Version Number | CHAR2 | |
ConstantCompStatForrelease | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantCompStatNew | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
Constant01 | Component of the Version Number | CHAR2 | |
Constant02 | Component of the Version Number | CHAR2 | |
Constant03 | Component of the Version Number | CHAR2 | |
Constant04 | Component of the Version Number | CHAR2 | |
ConstantNew | Single-Character Flag | CHAR1 | |
ConstantActive | Single-Character Flag | CHAR1 | |
ConstantUpdated | Single-Character Flag | CHAR1 | |
ConstantNone | Undefined range (can be used for patch levels) | CHAR4 | |
ConstantComplete | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantInProcess | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantCCI | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantSUB | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantCSM | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantCCMPS | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantCRR | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantCR | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantCRV | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantPRP | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantPCSRQ | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantEvtStsNew | Component of the Version Number | CHAR2 | |
ConstantEvtStsInProgress | Component of the Version Number | CHAR2 | |
ConstantEvtStsFatal | Component of the Version Number | CHAR2 | |
ConstantEvtStsError | Component of the Version Number | CHAR2 | |
ConstantEvtStsCompleted | Component of the Version Number | CHAR2 | |
ConstantChgStsNewComp | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantChgStsRemovdComp | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantChgStsNewSub | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantChgStsRemovdSub | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantChgStsDiffConc | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantChgStsDiffRole | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantLglDvnCatReplaced | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantLglDvnCatUnchanged | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantLglDvnCatDeleted | Character Field with Length 10 | CHAR10 | |
ConstantRawMaterialSemObj | Text (30 Characters) | TEXT30 | |
ConstantUnpackagedProdSemObj | Text (30 Characters) | TEXT30 | |
ConstantSapSe | Text (30 Characters) | TEXT30 | |
ConstantCustomer | Text (30 Characters) | TEXT30 | |
ConstantSap | Text (30 Characters) | TEXT30 | |