
Acute and Prolonged Toxicity to Fish | view: IPCECTXAFISHTP | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Sustainability Foundation
Column Name Description
PCEctxAcuteFishUUID Acute and Prolonged Toxicity to Fish: ID
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
📏 Exposure Time: Unit of Measure (PCEctxExpsrUoM):
PCEctxExpsrDurn Acute and Prolonged Toxicity to Fish: Exposure Time
📏 Unit of Measure of Value (PCEctxValueUoM):
PCEctxValueLowrQty Acute and Prolonged Tox. to Fish: Lower Limit Concentration
PCEctxValueUprQty Acute and Prolonged Tox. to Fish: Upper Limit Concentration
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
PCEctxValueLowrQtyOptr Operator of Lower Limit of Value Show values
PCEctxValueUprQtyOptr Operator of Upper Limit of Value Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
PCEctxPrptyUUID Ecotoxicological Property :Root Node ID SYSUUID
PCEctxSpeciesPhrsUUID Acute and Prolonged Toxicity to Fish: Species EHFND_PHRS_UUID
PCEctxExpsrDurnAsText Acute and Prolonged Toxicity to Fish: Exposure Time as Text EHFND_ECTX_ACUTEFISH_EXPT_CH
PCEctxValueTypePhrsUUID Acute and Prolonged Toxicity to Fish: Effect Type EHFND_PHRS_UUID
PCEctxValueLowrQtyTxt Acute and Prolonged Tox. to Fish: Lower Limit Concn as Text EHFND_ECTX_ACUTEFISH_VAL_CH
PCEctxValueUprQtyTxt Acute and Prolonged Tox. to Fish: Upper Limit Concn as Text EHFND_ECTX_ACUTEFISH_VAL_CH
PCEctxMethodPhrsUUID Acute and Prolonged Toxicity to Fish: Method EHFND_PHRS_UUID
PCEctxRating Use of Data EHFND_RATING
PCEctxAddlStatementPhrsUUID Acute and Prolonged Toxicity to Fish: Additional Statement EHFND_PHRS_UUID
PCEctxAssmtPhrsUUID Acute and Prolonged Toxicity to Fish: Result EHFND_PHRS_UUID
CreationUTCDateTime Created On TZNTSTMPL
CreatedByUser Created By UNAME
LastChangeUTCDateTime Last Changed On TZNTSTMPL
LastChangedByUser Last Change By UNAME