
Hazardous Ingredients of the Chemical | view: ICHMHING | ATTR | Extraction: Full only | Component: Sustainability Foundation
Tables used: EHFNDD_CHM_HING
Column Name Description
ChemicalHzdsIngredientUUID NodeID
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
IngredientMaxProportionOptr Operator for Maximal Proportions Show values
IngredientMinProportionOptr Operator for Minimal Proportions Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
ChemicalUUID Chemical - Root UUID SYSUUID
ChemicalRevisionUUID NodeID /BOBF/CONF_KEY
ListedSubstanceUUID Listed Substance GUID SYSUUID
IngredientMaxProportionValue Maximal Proportion EHFND_DF16_RAW
IngredientMinProportionQty Minimal Proportion EHFND_DF16_RAW
CreationDateTime Date/Time of Item Creation /BOBF/TIMESTAMP
CreatedByUser Object Created By UNAME
LastChangeDateTime Date/Time of Item Change /BOBF/TIMESTAMP
LastChangedByUser Object Changed By UNAME