
ARun Demand Sort Rule | view: IARNDMNDSRTRL | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Order Allocation Run
Column Name Description
ARunDemandSortRuleUUID ARun Demand Sort Rule UUID
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
ARunDemandSortRule ARun Demand Sort Rule ARUN_DEMAND_SORT_RULE_NAME
ARunDemandSortRuleText ARun Demand Sort Rule Description ARUN_DEMAND_SORT_RULE_TEXT
CreatedByUser Name of Person Responsible for Creating the Object USNAM
CreationDateTime ARun Rule Creation Date Time TZNTSTMPL
LastChangedByUser Name of Person Who Changed Object USNAM
LastChangeDateTime ARun Rule Changed Date Time TZNTSTMPL