
Allocation Table Delivery Phase | view: IALLOCTBLDELIVPH | TRAN | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Allocation
Tables used: AULW
Column Name Description
AllocationTable FK Allocation Table
AllocationTableItem FK Allocation Table Item
AllocationTableItemRcpntGrp Store Group of an Allocation Table
AllocationTableItemRecipient Identifier of a Recipient of an Item of an Allocation Table
AllocationTableDeliveryPhase Serial number
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
DeliveryDate Delivery Date
Column Name Description
Column Name Description Domain name
OutboundDelivery Outbound Delivery VBELN
OutboundDeliveryItem Outbound Delivery Item POSNR
PurchaseOrder Purchase Order Number EBELN
PurchaseOrderItem Item Number of Purchase Order EBELP
StockTransportOrder Stock Transport Order EBELN
StockTransportOrderItem Stock Transport Order Item EBELP
SalesOrder Number of generated sales order VBELN
SalesOrderItem Number of generated sales order item POSNR