
Subst Assmnt: White List Subst List Chk | view: CSACCIISL | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Product Marketability
Column Name Description
CmplRqRsltSubstAssmtUUID Assessment Details of Substance
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
📏 Measurement Units of Various Types (ChmlCompQtyUnit):
ChmlCompQtyForCalc Concentration Value of Chemical Component
📏 Unit of Measure (SubstanceListItmThresholdUoM):
SubstanceListItmThreshold Treshold Value
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
CmplRqRsltAssmtSts Assessment Status Show values
ChmlCompOperator Operator of Used Concentration Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
CmplRqRsltUUID Compliance Assessment UUID SYSUUID
CmplRqRsltSubstUUID Substance Assessment UUID from a Substance List Check SYSUUID
SubstListChkIssAssmtStsName Name of the Assessment Status DDTEXT
SubstListChkIssAssmtStsCritlty null
SubstanceListUUID Substance List SYSUUID
SubstanceListName List Name EHFND_DESCRIPTION_M
SubstanceUUID Substance SYSUUID
CompanySubstanceNavgnLink Substance SYSUUID
SubstanceName Substance Name TEXT255
CASNumber CAS Number TEXT20
ChmlCompUUID Chemical Component SYSUUID
ChmlCompType Role of Ingredient in Composition EHFND_CCI_CCOMP_TYPE_NCE
ChmlCompTypeName Description of Role in Composition EHFND_DESCRIPTION_S
ListedSubstance Listed Substance EHFND_LISTEDSUBSTANCE_ID
SubstanceListType Regulatory List Type Code EHFND_REQ_REGLIST_TYPE_NCE
CmplRqRsltProcessingStatus Processing Status of a Compliance Requirement