
Raw Material Component of Analytical Composition | view: CCRCOMPONENT | Extraction: Not supported | Component: Sustainability Foundation
Column Name Description
ChmlCompUUID Chemical Component
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
📏 Concentration Unit of Measure (ChmlCompQtyUnit):
ChmlCompQty Concentration Value of Chemical Component
ChmlCompQtyLowerLimit Lower Limit of Chemical Component
ChmlCompQtyUpperLimit Upper Limit of Chemical Component
📏 Concentration Unit of Measure (ChmlCompReldQtyUnit):
ChmlCompReldQty Concentration Value of a Chemical Component
ChmlCompReldLowerLimitQty Lower Limit of the Concentration for a Chemical Component
ChmlCompReldUpperLimitQty Upper Limit of the Concentration for a Chemical Component
Column Name Description
Column Name Description
ChmlCompositionStatus Processing Status for Chemical Composition Show values
ChmlCompHasDiff Compare Difference between Chemical Components Show values
Column Name Description Domain name
ActiveChmlCompUUID Chemical Component SYSUUID
ChmlCompositionUUID Chemical Composition SYSUUID
ChmlCmplncInfoUUID Chemical Compliance Information SYSUUID
SubstanceUUID Substance SYSUUID
CompanySubstanceNavgnLink Substance SYSUUID
SubstanceName Substance Name TEXT255
CASNumber CAS Number TEXT20
ChmlCompType Role of Ingredient in Composition EHFND_CCI_CCOMP_TYPE_NCE
ChmlCompTypeName Description of Role in Composition EHFND_DESCRIPTION_S
ChmlCompQtyCritlty null
ChmlCompQtyLowerLimitCritlty null
ChmlCompQtyUpperLimitCritlty null
ChmlCompQtyUnitCritlty null
ChmlCompHasDiffCritlty null
ChmlCompHasDiffName Compare Difference Name between Chemical Component TEXT255
NmbrOfSubstPrvddBySuplrWthTot Number of Substances Provided by Suppliers TEXT32