💲 Freely Defined Currency 8 (FreeDefinedCurrency8): |
RevenueAmountInCompanyCodeCrcy | Revenue Amount in Company Code Currency | |
RevenueInGlobalCurrency | Revenue Amount in Global Currency | |
GrossRevenueAmtInCCCrcy | Gross Revenue | |
RecognizedRevnAmtInCCCrcy | Recognized Revenue | |
RecognizedRevnAmtInGlobCrcy | Recognized Revenue | |
RevenueAdjustmentAmtInCCCrcy | Revenue Adjustment | |
RevenueAdjustAmtInGlobCrcy | Revenue Adjustment | |
DeferredRevenueAmtInCCCrcy | Deferred Revenue | |
AccruedRevenueAmtInCCCrcy | Accrued Revenue | |
RecognizableRevenueAmtInCCCrcy | Actual Revenue | |
RecognizableRevnAmtInGlobCrcy | Actual Revenue | |
BilledRevenueAmtInCoCodeCrcy | Actual Revenue | |
BilledRevenueAmtInGlobCrcy | Actual Revenue | |
UnbilledRevnInCoCodeCrcy | Unbilled Revenue | |
RecognizedMarginAmtInCCCrcy | Recognized Margin | |
MnlContrAccrPnLItmAmtInCCCrcy | Manual Contract Accruals Income Statement in CCCrcy | |
CostAmountInCompanyCodeCrcy | Cost Amount in Company Code Currency | |
CostOfGoodsSoldAmtInGlobCrcy | Cost of Goods Sold - Total | |
FxdCOGSAmtInGlobCrcy | Cost of Goods Sold - Fixed | |
RecognizedCOGSAmtInCCCrcy | Recognized COS | |
COGSAdjustmentAmtInCCCrcy | COS Adjustment | |
DeferredCOGSAmtInCCCrcy | Deferred COS | |
AccruedCOGSAmtInCCCrcy | Accrued COS | |
RecognizableCostAmtInCCCrcy | Actual Cost | |
ImminentLossRsrvAmtInCCCrcy | Reserves for Imminent Loss | |
SalesDeductReserveAmtInCCCrcy | Reserves for Anticipated Sales Deductions | |
UnrlzdCostsReserveAmtInCCCrcy | Reserves for Unrealized Costs | |
MnlContrAccrBalShtAmtInCCCrcy | Manual Contract Accruals Balance Sheet in CCCrcy | |
SalesDeductionAmountInGlobCrcy | Sales Deduction | |
SalesDeductionAmtInCoCodeCrcy | Sales Deduction | |
PriceDifferenceAmtInGlobCrcy | Price Differences | |
AdminOverheadAmtInGlobCrcy | Administration Overhead | |
SalesOverheadAmtInGlobCrcy | Sales Overhead | |
MarketingOverheadAmtInGlobCrcy | Marketing Overhead | |
RnDOverheadAmtInGlobCrcy | Research and Development Overhead | |
LongTermInvmtAmtInCCCrcy | Increase (Decrease) in Long-term Investments | |
AcctsRblAmtInCCCrcy | Increase (Decrease) in Accounts Receivable (Net) | |
AcctsOthRblAmtInCCCrcy | Increase (Decrease) in Accounts Other Receivable (Net) | |
AcctsPyblAmtInCCCrcy | Increase (Decrease) in Accounts Payable (Net) | |
AcctsOthPyblAmtInCCCrcy | Increase (Decrease) in Accounts Other Payables (Net) | |
ProvisionAmtInCCCrcy | Increase/Decrease of Provisions | |
NotesReceivableAmtInCCCrcy | Increase (Decrease) in Notes Receivable | |
TangibleAstDeprAmtInCCCrcy | Depreciation of Tangible Assets | |
IntngblAssetAmtznAmtInCCCrcy | Amortization of Intangible Assets | |
TangibleAstAmtInCCCrcy | Purchase (Sale) of Tangible Assets | |
IntangibleAstAmtInCCCrcy | Purchase (Sale) of Intangible Assets | |
FixedAssetRtrmtAmtInCCCrcy | Gain/Loss from Retirement of Fixed Assets | |
InventoryAmtInCCCrcy | Increase/Decrease of Inventories | |
CommonStockAmtInCCCrcy | Increase (Decrease) in Common Stocks | |
CashAndCashEqvlntAmtInCCCrcy | Change (Increase/ Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents | |
AssetAmtInCCCrcy | Asset Amount In CompanyCode Currency | |
LiabilityEquityAmtInCCCrcy | Liabilities and Equity Amount In Company Code Currency | |
NotAssignedAmtInCCCrcy | Not Assigned Amount In Company Code Currency | |
NetResultAmtInCCCrcy | Net Result Amount In Company Code Currency | |
PnLResultAmtInCCCrcy | Profit for the Period | |
GLAcctNetIncomeAmtInCCCrcy | Net Income Amount In Company Code Currency | |
VarblCOGSAmtInGlobCrcy | Cost of Goods Sold - Variable | |
ContrbnMargin1AmtInGlobCrcy | Contribution Margin I | |
ContrbnMargin2AmtInGlobCrcy | Contribution Margin II | |
ContrbnMargin3AmtInGlobCrcy | Contribution Margin III | |
OperatingActyCashAmtInCCCrcy | Net cash generated from continuing operating activities | |
InvestingActyCashAmtInCCCrcy | Net cash used in continuing investing activities | |
FinancingActyCashAmtInCCCrcy | Net cash generated from financing activities | |
NetCashAmtInCCCrcy | Net Cash Amount In CompanyCode Currency | |
AssetLiabilityAmtInCCCrcy | Asset/Liability Amount in Company Code Currency | |
AmountInCompanyCodeCurrency | Amount in Company Code Currency | |
AmountInTransactionCurrency | Amount in Transaction Currency | |
AmountInGlobalCurrency | Amount in Global Currency | |
AmountInBalanceTransacCrcy | Amount in Balance Transaction Currency | |
AmountInFunctionalCurrency | Amount in Functional Currency | |
DebitAmountInFunctionalCrcy | Debit Amount in Functional Currency | |
CreditAmountInFunctionalCrcy | Credit Amount in Functional Currency | |
AmountInFreeDefinedCurrency1 | Amount in Freely Defined Currency 1 | |
AmountInFreeDefinedCurrency2 | Amount in Freely Defined Currency 2 | |
AmountInFreeDefinedCurrency3 | Amount in Freely Defined Currency 3 | |
AmountInFreeDefinedCurrency4 | Amount in Freely Defined Currency 4 | |
AmountInFreeDefinedCurrency5 | Amount in Freely Defined Currency 5 | |
AmountInFreeDefinedCurrency6 | Amount in Freely Defined Currency 6 | |
AmountInFreeDefinedCurrency7 | Amount in Freely Defined Currency 7 | |
AmountInFreeDefinedCurrency8 | Amount in Freely Defined Currency 8 | |