TransportationOrderUUID | Transportation Order UUID (Char 32) | /SCMTMS/VDM_TOR_DB_KEY_HEX | |
TransportationOrderEventUUID | Transportation Order Event UUID | /SCMTMS/VDM_TOREXE_DB_KEY | |
TranspOrdEventIsRecalledDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
TranspOrdEventCode | Event Occuring for a Transportation Activity | /SCMTMS/TOR_EVENT | |
TranspOrdEventCodeDesc | Transportation Order Event Code Description | /SCMTMS/DESCRIPTION_S | |
TranspOrdEventStatusDesc | Transportation Order Event Status Description | DDTEXT | |
TransportationActivityDesc | Transportation Activity Description | /SCMTMS/DESCRIPTION_S | |
TranspOrdEventReasonCode | Event Reason Internal Code | /SAPTRX/INTERNAL_CODE | |
TranspOrdEventReasonDesc | Reason of Event Occuring for a Transportation Activity | /SCMTMS/TEXT100 | |
LocationUUID | Location UUID (CHAR 22) | /SAPAPO/LOCID | |
Location | Location | /SAPAPO/LOCNO | |
LocationName | Location Description | /SAPAPO/LOC_CHAR40K | |
LocationTypeDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
CountryName | Country/Region Name | TEXT50 | |
RegionName | Description | TEXT20 | |
CityName | City | TEXT40 | |
PostalCode | City postal code | CHAR10 | |
GeographicalLocationLatitude | Geographical Location Latitude | /SCMTMS/VDM_GEOLAT | |
GeographicalLocationLongitude | Geographical Location Longitude | /SCMTMS/VDM_GEOLON | |
GeographicalLocationAltitude | Geographical Location Altitude | /SCMTMS/VDM_GEOALT | |
TranspOrdEvtActualDateTime | Transportation Order Event Actual Date Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
TranspOrdEvtActualDateYear | Transportation Order Event Actual Year | NUM4 | |
TranspOrdEvtActualDateYearMnth | Transportation Order Event Actual Year Month | NUM6 | |
TranspOrdEvtActualDateYearQtr | Transportation Order Event Actual Year Quarter | NUM5 | |
TranspOrdEvtActualDateYearWeek | Transportation Order Event Actual Year Week | NUM6 | |
TranspOrdEvtExpdEndDateTime | Transportation Order Event Expected End Date Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
TranspOrdEvtActualDateTimeZone | Transp Order Event Actual Time Zone | TZNZONE | |
TranspOrdEvtEstimatedDateTime | Transportation Order Event Estimated Date Time | TZNTSTMPS | |
TranspOrdIsDiscrepantDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
DiscrepancyType | Discrepancy Type | /SCMTMS/DISCREPANCY_TYPE | |
DiscrepancyTypeDesc | Discrepancy Type Description | /SCMTMS/DESCRIPTION_S | |
TranspOrdIsDscrptWthoutBlkDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
TranspOrdIsDiscrepantWithinTol | Quantity Discrepancy Is Within Tolerance | | |
TranspOrdHasQtyDiscrepancyDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
ShippersLoadAndCountQuantity | Shipper's Load and Count (SLAC) | | |
TransportationOrderCatDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
TransportationOrderTypeDesc | Transportation Order Type Description | /SCMTMS/TOR_TYPE_DESC | |
CarrierOriginOfEntryDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
Carrier | Carrier | /SCMTMS/BU_PARTNER | |
CarrierName | null | | |
Shipper | Shipper | BU_PARTNER | |
ShipperName | null | | |
Consignee | Ship-to Party | BU_PARTNER | |
ConsigneeName | null | | |
TranspOrdShippingType | Shipping Type | /SCMTMS/SHIPPING_TYPE | |
TranspOrdShippingTypeDesc | Description | /SCMTMS/DESCRIPTION_S | |
TranspOrdTrafficDirectionDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
PlngAndExecOrganization | Planning and Execution Organization | HROBJID | |
PlngAndExecOrganizationName | Object Name | TEXT40 | |
PlngAndExecGroup | Planning and Execution Group | HROBJID | |
PlngAndExecGroupName | Object Name | TEXT40 | |
PurchasingOrganizationName | Object Name | TEXT40 | |
PurchasingGroupName | Object Name | TEXT40 | |
TranspOrdLifeCycleStatusDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
TranspOrdPlanningStatusDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
TransportationOrderExecStsDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
MeansOfTransport | Means of Transport | /SAPAPO/TR_TRATY | |
MeansOfTransportDesc | Means of Transport Description | /SAPAPO/TR_TRATYDESCR | |
TransportationMode | Transportation Mode | VKTRA | |
TransportationModeDesc | Transportation Mode Description | | |
TransportationModeCategoryDesc | Transportation Mode Category Description | DDTEXT | |
StandardSAPIconURI | Std SAP Icon Uniform Resource Identifier | AD_URI_BW | |
SourceLocationUUID | Source Location Universally Unique Identifier (CHAR 22) | /SAPAPO/LOCID | |
SourceLocationName | Location Description | /SAPAPO/LOC_CHAR40K | |
SourceLocationTypeDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
SourceLocationCountryName | Country/Region Name | TEXT50 | |
SourceLocationRegionName | Description | TEXT20 | |
DestinationLocationUUID | Destination Location UUID (CHAR 22) | /SAPAPO/LOCID | |
DestinationLocationName | Location Description | /SAPAPO/LOC_CHAR40K | |
DestinationLocationTypeDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
DestinationLocationCountryName | Country/Region Name | TEXT50 | |
DestinationLocationRegionName | Description | TEXT20 | |
TranspOrdEventIsOnTimeDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
TranspOrdEventIsDelayedDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
TranspOrdEventIsTimeRlvtDesc | Short Text for Fixed Values | DDTEXT | |
NumberOfTranspOrdEvents | Number of Transportation Order Events | /SCMTMS/VDM_NUMBER_OF | |
NumberOfTimeRlvtTranspOrdEvts | Number of Time Relevant Transportation Order Events | /SCMTMS/VDM_NUMBER_OF | |
NumberOfOnTimeTranspOrdEvents | Number of On Time Events | /SCMTMS/VDM_NUMBER_OF | |
NumberOfDelayedTranspOrdEvents | Number of Delayed Transportation Order Events | /SCMTMS/VDM_NUMBER_OF | |
TranspOrdEventOnTimeRatio | Transportation Order Event On Time Ratio (%) | /SCMTMS/VDM_RATIO | |
NumberOfTransportationOrders | Number of Freight Orders | /SCMTMS/VDM_NUMBER_OF | |
NumberOfTimeRlvtTranspOrds | Number of Time Relevant Freight Orders | /SCMTMS/VDM_NUMBER_OF | |
NumberOfDelayedTranspOrds | Number of Delayed Freight Orders | /SCMTMS/VDM_NUMBER_OF | |
NumberOfOnTimeTranspOrds | Number of On Time Freight Orders | /SCMTMS/VDM_NUMBER_OF | |
TransportationOrderOnTimeRatio | Freight Order On Time Ratio | /SCMTMS/VDM_RATIO | |